Mail Thread Index
[] Quick shorter code tip: for() {},
Jay Hannah
[] Re: Welcome to the "Omaha-pm" mailing list,
Jay Hannah
[] WWW::Mechanize &,
Jay Hannah
RE: [] a perl "table of operators",
Miller, Scott L (Omaha Networks)
[] IO::Multiplex, IO::Socket::INET,
Jay Hannah
[] Re: [oma-python] an almost-switch statement,
Jay Hannah
[] HTML::Recorder,
Jay Hannah
[] Union Pacific?,
Ken MacLeod
[] Re: [olug] bash help (awk/sed),
Jay Hannah
[] Sort quickie,
Jay Hannah
- Re: [] Sort quickie,
Daniel Linder
- Re: [] Sort quickie,
- Re: [] Sort quickie,
Mike Hostetler
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: [] Sort quickie,
Miller, Scott L (Omaha Networks)
- RE: [] Sort quickie,
Miller, Scott L (Omaha Networks)
- Re: [] Sort quickie,
Hugh Jarce
- RE: [] Sort quickie,
Miller, Scott L (Omaha Networks)
[] s(a)(AAA) -- wow,
Jay Hannah
[] Odd jobs wanted: Perl, C, Python, Unix/Linux,
Ken MacLeod
[] Pod::Tree - .pm files w/ no POD?,
Jay Hannah
[] Mail::Folder missing person,
Jay Hannah
[] FW: Pod::Tree - .pm files w/ no POD?,
Jay Hannah
[] RE: Pod::Tree - .pm files w/ no POD?,
Jay Hannah
[] July meeting?,
Ryan Stille
[] simple syntax question,
Ryan Stille
[] Date::Calc,
Jay Hannah
[] IO/ warning,
Jay Hannah
RE: [] Meetings! 3rd Thr of every month!,
Ryan Stille
[] AI-type string comparisons using Perl...,
Daniel Linder
[] [OT]For Sale: two 512MB ECC DDR PC2100,
Daniel Linder
[] RE: Model::Common and Model::DataTypes perldoc added,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl blogs,
Jay Hannah
[] RE: figure this one out,
Jay Hannah
[] bad perl - need help - dispatch table,
[] RE: wrong,
Jay Hannah
[] Re: [olug] Expect script help...,
Jay Hannah
RE: [] Re: Expect script help...,
Tegels, Kent
[] ignoring undefined subroutines,
[] help!!,
Shemshon S Williams
[] Re: LWP form posts,
Jay Hannah
[] converting dates,
[] Rename all files in a directory,
Jay Hannah
RE: [] Rename [x] files in a directory,
Miller, Scott L (Omaha Networks)
[] How can I log to metalog from Perl?,
Jay Hannah
[] RE: Net::Dev::Tools::Syslog -- local?,
Jay Hannah
[] [patch] Sys::Syslog POD - $Sys::Syslog::host,
Jay Hannah
[] Mtg tomorrow night,
Jay Hannah
[] - Omaha is #2!,
Jay Hannah
[] Emergency Tutoring Monday night,
Jay Hannah
[] Anyone ever configured a bundle?,
Jay Hannah
[] misc notes,
Jay Hannah
[] Debugging running Perl code on Windows.,
Daniel Linder
[] The Perl Review,
Jay Hannah
[] A less greedy regular expression...,
Daniel Linder
[] Re: [olug] perl cpan problem,
Jay Hannah
[] ||= quickie,
Jay Hannah
[] du -k --max-depth 1,
Jay Hannah
[] Randomize an array,
Jay Hannah
[] Test::More SKIP,
Jay Hannah
[] Test::More is() is cool,
Jay Hannah
[] Re: [olug] Python based replacement for Procmail,
Jay Hannah
[] Challenge: Prune a directory tree,
Jay Hannah
[] perl or system problem?,
[] IO::Multiplex & signals?,
Jay Hannah
[] Mtg last Thr, next mtg,
Jay Hannah
[] Informix / Perl mtg in KC Oct. 27,
Jay Hannah
[] RCS in a perl script?,
Daniel Linder
[] cisco vpn script,
[] RE: is done.,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, November 3,
Jay Hannah
[] Mtg next Thr!,
Jay Hannah
[] Re: Omaha-pm subscription notification,
Jay Hannah
[] Re: Getting @@ROWCOUNT,
Jay Hannah
[] PERL and XML,
Sean Edwards
[] Next meeting: Dec. 16!,
Jay Hannah
[] Real world application,
r c
[] Perl Obfu Art,
Hugh Jarce
[] Re: Omaha PM,
Jay Hannah
[] Crypt::Tea,
Jay Hannah
[] || quickie,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Crypt::Tea,
Jay Hannah
[] Re: Omaha-pm Digest, Vol 7, Issue 10,
r c
[] @INC oughta be @ICK!!,
Noel Leistad
[] OT: top posting,
Jay Hannah
[] RE: Perl - Trace,
Jay Hannah
[] I can't count,
Jay Hannah
[] next can jump out of a sub?,
Jay Hannah
[] debugger breaks automatically if you're 100 levels deep in subroutine calls!,
Jay Hannah
RE: [] debugger breaks automatically if you're 100 levels deepin subroutine calls!,
Tegels, Kent
[] Test - New server,
Jay Hannah
[] Using a perl module without installing it...,
Daniel Linder
[] rrdtool rulez,
Jay Hannah
[] Data::Diff rulez,
Jay Hannah
[] Re: Data::Diff rulez,
Jay Hannah
[] Re: rrdtool rulez,
Jay Hannah
[] DBI /(Raise|Print)Error/ trick...,
Jay Hannah
[] Re: Item Reservation [User Group Library at Reboot The User.],
Jay Hannah
[] No mtg tonight,
Jay Hannah
[] if ($a > $b) { $b = $a },
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, January 20,
Jay Hannah
[] Beaten to the typo fix punch once again...,
Jay Hannah
[] Dec 16 mtg notes,
Jay Hannah
[] RE: logger,
Jay Hannah
[] Yet Another Perl Conference North America 2005 announces call-for-papers,
[] Quiz: select *,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl-golf -- zero-pad an IP address.,
Daniel Linder
[] RE: Hotels,
Jay Hannah
[] 1992 source code...,
Jay Hannah
[] Passing arguments to "sprintf"...,
Daniel Linder
[] We nuked 36,717 lines of Perl code today,
Jay Hannah
[] RE: finding installed Perl modules,
Jay Hannah
[] OSCON Call For Proposals Closing Soon,
Jay Hannah
[] Mtg this Thursday,
Jay Hannah
[] FW:,
Jay Hannah
[] FW: [Visualperl-discuss] gui builder?,
Jay Hannah
[] wiki launched,
Jay Hannah
Jay Hannah
[] Converting an array of strings into a scalar,
Ryan Stille
[] Re: [olug] [OT] Of parents and children,
Jay Hannah
[] Programming languages poster,
Jay Hannah
[] Facade Design Pattern,
Jay Hannah
[] Win -> Unix,
Jon L. [MoseDev]
Re: [] Win -> Unix -> Darwin!,
Sean Edwards
[] LF -> CRLF,
Jay Hannah
[] Job opening - Programmer / Analyst II,
Jay Hannah
[] RE: -- strange argument results and $q->param.,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting tomorrow,
Jay Hannah
[] 4..1 is not 1..4 reversed,
Jay Hannah
[] Impossible perl one-liner?,
Daniel Linder
[] FW: Perl Compiler source file,
Jay Hannah
[] Yet Another Perl Conference, North America, 2005 Registration now open,
[] Omni::DB::test(),
Jay Hannah
[] IIS server log analysis,
Jay Hannah
[] Reseach on Open Source Developers,
Amedeo Guffanti
[] Another one-liner - whack a database unload,
Jay Hannah
[] ?: vs ||,
Jay Hannah
[] Talk about brute forcing a problem...,
Jay Hannah
[] Test::More is_deeply(),
Jay Hannah
[] RE: Wow! I used map!,
Jay Hannah
[] Wow! I used map!,
Jay Hannah
[] Stack traces rule!,
Jay Hannah
[] mod_perl 2,
Timothy Larson
[] Newer version of iPhoto my butt,
Jay Hannah
[] Reminder: Yet Another Perl Conference in Toronto, June 27 - 29,
Gerard Lim
[] Another 10 minute DB load hack,
Jay Hannah
[] Crossword puzzle contest,
Jay Hannah
[] FW: What happens on January 1, 2006?,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting this Thr, 7pm!,
Jay Hannah
[] Automating Windows (DNS) with Perl,
Jay Hannah
[] Testing Class::DBI,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: An Apology From,
Jay Hannah
[] Notes dump: pack, unpack, vec, and 2562 long bit vectors,
Jay Hannah
RE: [] Notes dump: pack, unpack, vec, and 2562 long bit vectors,
Miller, Scott L (Omaha Networks)
[] Fwd: Apress Perl User Groups,
Jay Hannah
[] Another 20s hack,
Jay Hannah
[] Template Toolkit & CGI::Carp,
Jay Hannah
[] Yet Another Perl Conference final details,
Gerard Lim
[] Mtg this Thr 5/19 @ 7pm. No June mtg.,
Jay Hannah
[] More 10m hackery - date format conversion in flat files for DB load,
Jay Hannah
[] 30m hack - survey log de-duper,
Jay Hannah
[] debugger - dump the output of x $self to a file,
Jay Hannah
[] unless ($current_count % 100) {,
Jay Hannah
[] another hack -- s/\|$key\|/\|$c{$key}\|/;,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Perl, XML, Oracle Opportunity in the Kansas City Area,
Jay Hannah
[] Getopt::Long and opt_ variables,
Dave Thacker
[] precedence: ?: vs. =,
Jay Hannah
[] best practice: podchecker,
Jay Hannah
[] Log files might be bz2'd hack,
Jay Hannah
[] IIS log hackery,
Jay Hannah
[] quick n dirty rand(),
Jay Hannah
[] CGI restore_parameters(),
Jay Hannah
[] Reminder: No June mtg,
Jay Hannah
[] One-liner regexp to check for password strength...,
Daniel Linder
[] Last-minute reminder -- YAPC::NA 2005,
Gerard Lim
[] 1 night vs. 17 nights,
Jay Hannah
[] start_form() bug? I guess not...,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [pm_groups] Getting To Know You,
Jay Hannah
[] xargs is kinda handy!,
Jay Hannah
[] Template Toolkit syntax choices, whitespace,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Getting To Know You,
Jay Hannah
[] perldoc -l,
Jay Hannah
[] Mtg! Thr 7/21 7pm,
Jay Hannah
[] grep hack. better? worse? (faster?),
Jay Hannah
[] Spreadsheet::WriteExcel hack,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: [pm_admins] XML::LibXML choking on &oum;,
Jay Hannah
[] New to the list...,
Jim Lawless
Re: [] Dumb Questions,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Thoughts?,
Jay Hannah
[] SQL Attack exception,
Kenneth Thompson
[] Template Toolkit l33t hax0rs,
Jay Hannah
[] Subclassing Class::Date,
Jay Hannah
[] Using Class::Date subclass instead of arrays and Date::Calc,
Jay Hannah
[] perl -MDBI -e 'DBI->installed_versions',
Jay Hannah
[] 8784 subtests,
Jay Hannah
[] An ode to DBI::installed_versions(),
Jay Hannah
[] Chinese / Taiwanese gossip about me,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] :Sybase success, build errors,
Jay Hannah
[] Aug mtg MOVED to Aug 25th,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Omaha-pm Digest, Vol 16, Issue 7,
Kenneth Thompson
Re: [] Oreilly Discount Code?,
Jay Hannah
[] Oh... O'Reilly discount is 30% now, etc.,
Jay Hannah
[] push, push, push, push, push?,
Jay Hannah
[] SQL . sprintf,
Jay Hannah
[] Cool Hash Count Shortcut,
Kenneth Thompson
Re: [] pm lister,
Sean Baker
[] Millionth SQL -> HTML table script,
Jay Hannah
[] Excel -> text file,
Jay Hannah
[] Another || quickie,
Jay Hannah
[] Yet another || quickie,
Jay Hannah
[] FW: SlimServer,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Other Omaha User Groups,
Jay Hannah
[] Changing the current database in DBI,
Ryan Stille
[] Find all files containing '</td>\n</tr>\n</table>',
Jay Hannah
[] TT algebra, format,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Changed Permissions->has_permission,
Jay Hannah
[] return from sub: array vs. arrayref,
Jay Hannah
[] Got our free Make Mag!,
Jay Hannah
[] Business cards,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl training,
r c
[] Proper way to test a variable with strict and -w?,
Daniel Linder
[] Quick Bail,
Kenneth Thompson
[] Bundle::Omni,
Jay Hannah
[] doh,
Jay Hannah
[] map: make a hash from an array,
Jay Hannah
[] Reminder: Mtg tomorrow (Thr),
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [pm_groups] What do you do with free books?,
Jay Hannah
[] OT: Free wireless @ Zio's 80th & Dodge,
Jay Hannah
[] TT fun!,
Jay Hannah
[] Hey OO Perl 5: Do my base classes thing plus my thing,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl Monger group maps?,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, September 14,
Jay Hannah
[] Ow!! || bit me,
Jay Hannah
[] Private library,
Bob McCoy
[] Chaining a method (called "init"),
Jay Hannah
[] Help with parsing HTML,
Ryan Stille
[] Pulling data back out of a hash of arrays.,
Dave Thacker
[] Genealogy & Perl,
Jay Hannah
[] FW: Help,
Jay Hannah
[] Test::More warning,
Jay Hannah
[] XML::Parser test (install) failures,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting: Thr Oct 20 @ 7pm. Free food!,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [olug] Database export problem,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [olug] String parsing question,
Jay Hannah
[] - Podcasting Perl,
Jay Hannah
[] param() gotcha,
Jay Hannah
[] FW: what lanague is your perl writen in?,
Jay Hannah
[] htmlpp,
Jay Hannah
[] Job opportunity in West Hollywood, CA,
Jay Hannah
[] Class::Date - change once set,
Jay Hannah
[] sort hackery,
Jay Hannah
[] Downloading CPAN modules on G5 Mac,
Philip Terry
[] Class::Date easy e zeeness,
Jay Hannah
[] Kwiki::Scode,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl 6 //,
Jay Hannah
[] A..Z,
Jay Hannah
[] use Switch 'Perl6';,
Jay Hannah
[] FW: Class::Date - change once set,
Jay Hannah
[] FW: FW: Class::Date - change once set,
Jay Hannah
[] PerlWar,
Jay Hannah
[] Class::Date + "91",
Jay Hannah
[] camel v. onion,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: O'Reilly UG Program MAKE Magazine Holiday Offer,
Jay Hannah
[] TEST please ignore,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Class::Date - change once set,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Perl Mongers: camel, onion: business cards, letterhead,
Jay Hannah
[] UML diagrams,
Jay Hannah
[] Nov 17th mtg CANCELLED (This Thr),
Jay Hannah
[] Perl and recursion...,
Daniel Linder
- Re: [] Perl and recursion...,
Theodore Katseres
- Re: [] Perl and recursion...,
Daniel Linder
- Re: [] Perl and recursion...,
Jay Hannah
- Re: [] Perl and recursion...,
Daniel Linder
- Message not available
- [] Fwd: Perl and recursion...,
Theodore Katseres
- Re: [] Fwd: Perl and recursion...,
Richard Norton
- Re: [] Fwd: Perl and recursion...,
Daniel Linder
- Re: [] Fwd: Perl and recursion...,
Jay Hannah
- Re: [] Fwd: Perl and recursion...,
Andy Lester
- Re: [] Fwd: Perl and recursion...,
Daniel Linder
- Re: [] Fwd: Perl and recursion...,
Jay Hannah
- Re: [] Fwd: Perl and recursion...,
Andy Lester
[] Another 30s script,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Edsger W. Dijkstra quotes,
Jay Hannah
[] Business cards, etc. I'm now taking orders from other groups.,
Jay Hannah
[] Lightning Talks from UNO on Perl! :),
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [] Lightning Talks from UNO on Perl! :),
Ryan Stille
[] OOps ...,
[] Extracting overlayed text from an image,
Ryan Stille
[] Echo server on 7 IPs in < 40 lines of code,
Jay Hannah
[] blogging w/ blosxom,
Jay Hannah
[] gedcomToHTML,
Jay Hannah
[] - searching for a path from person A to person X?,
Jay Hannah
[] TEST please ignore. (line wrapping),
Jay Hannah
[] quickie: GMT time via Date::Calc,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl security flaw?,
Daniel Linder
[] Mtg: next Thr Dec 15!,
Jay Hannah
[] [Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, December 2],
Jay Hannah
[] Push/pop and guranteed order?,
Daniel Linder
[] use lib "$ENV{J}/lib";,
Jay Hannah
[] How do I turn 17.1 into "017.100" ?,
Jay Hannah
[] Template Toolkit MACRO,
Jay Hannah
Message not available
[] DBI odbc question,
Ryan Stille
[] FW: ActiveState ends development of dynamic language plug-ins forMicrosoft Visual Studio,
Jay Hannah
[] [Fwd: [pm_groups] Census Results],
Jay Hannah
[] Safely instantiate (or not) a class that may or may not exist?,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Safely instantiate (or not) a class that may or may notexist?,
Kenneth Thompson
Re: [] stored procedures,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Apress Quarterly UG Newsletter,
Jay Hannah
[] Add a pipe to a pipe delim file,
Jay Hannah
[] GD::Graph installation on G5 OS X 10.4,
Philip Terry
Re: [] Merry Holidays,
Jay Hannah
[] Next meeting: Tue, Jan 17th 2006 @ 7pm!,
Jay Hannah
[] Less is more,
Ryan Stille
[] perl -e '$_ = "jwh"; s/w/ap/; print;',
Jay Hannah
[] Class::Date makes life cleaner,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Favorite code,
Jay Hannah
[] Why I hack Perl,
Jay Hannah
[] Test::More skip_all,
Jay Hannah
[] Class::Date objects in scalar context perl 5.8.3 vs. 5.8.7? or something else?,
Jay Hannah
[] Class::Date truncate(),
Jay Hannah
Re: [] My lost week problem..,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Camel and Onion,
[] Preparation for use of GD::Graph & Perl,
philip terry
[] FW: Checking for installed PERL modules,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] request help for Bioperl external module install,
Jay Hannah
[] Preparation for use of GD::Graph & Perl on Mac G5,
philip terry
Re: [] Math::BaseCalc,
Jay Hannah
[] Free O'Reilly books. Suggestions?,
Jay Hannah
[] Oops - caution with Library Thing,
sidney . omaha . pm
[] Fwd: Logic Programming with Perl and Prolog,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting tomorrow night!,
Jay Hannah
[] Math::Pari -- latest golden version,
Jay Hannah
[] Location of Perl Mongers of Ommaha meeting?,
philip terry
Re: [] Meeting NEW LOCATION,
Hefling, Chris
[] [Fwd: O'Reilly Gives Early Access to Cutting-Edge Technology],
Jay Hannah
[] "Side projects",
Jay Hannah
[] Tight code - Amtrak,
Jay Hannah
[] Free books from Apress including one on CPAN,
Aaron Grothe
Re: [] Side projects,
philip terry
[] BioPerl Presentation,
Jay Hannah
[] Open Laszlo?,
Jay Hannah
[] /AAA|BBB/,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Issues regarding project objective 1,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [pm_groups] Perl Mongers map via Google Maps API,
Jay Hannah
[] [Fwd: Re: - searching for a path from person A to person X?],
Jay Hannah
[] One-liner adding machine,
Jay Hannah
[] find binary junk in a database,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Wow! Lol.....,
Jay Hannah
[] Business::AAPOS?,
Jay Hannah
[] Eclipse or other Perl IDE under Linux.,
Daniel Linder
[] $self->SUPER::methodA();,
Jay Hannah
[] FW: Announce Class::DBI::Informix,
Jay Hannah
[] [Fwd: New Ubuntu and Perl books available from O'Reilly Rough Cuts],
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Autocommmit?,
Jay Hannah
[] Next BioPerl lab,
Jay Hannah
[] fork() only goes 2 procs at a time?,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: iCal::Parser - or how to iterate through this hash?,
Jay Hannah
[] winamp playlists,
Herb Wolfe, Jr
[] BioPerl lab,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, February 24,
Jay Hannah
[] BioPerl lab: Unnamed project spec,
Jay Hannah
[] Strip last 15 chars off of every row of every file in a directory...,
Jay Hannah
[] Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 14th 2006 @ 7pm!,
Jay Hannah
[] map {} one-liner that removes trailing spaces,
Jay Hannah
[] Sort an array of arrayrefs by one of the elements of each arrayref,
Jay Hannah
[] Mars and Google,
philip terry
[] Listen on a TCP port - NetServer::Generic,
Jay Hannah
[] @_[1..$#_] is that evil? -laugh-,
Jay Hannah
[] Using ||,
Jay Hannah
[] New to Perl-ing,
[] [Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, March 27],
Jay Hannah
[] Meetings and Library,
[] I am such a geek.,
Jay Hannah
[] I am such a geek #2,
Jay Hannah
[] my $a = blah();,
Jay Hannah
[] Books,
[] SAMPLE: Timed execute of external command with timeout.,
Daniel Linder
[] April meeting cancelled,
Jay Hannah
[] April meeting,
Ryan Stille
[] not defined $j || scalar @$j == 0,
Jay Hannah
[] Lightning Talks from UNO, Take 2! :),
Robert A. Fulkerson
Re: [] Lightning Talks from UNO, Take 2! :),
Dr. Dhundy R. Bastola
Re: [] Lightning Talks from UNO, Take 2! :),
Jay Hannah
[] Unicode Extract,
Jon Lonowski
[] Fun w/ autovivification,
Jay Hannah
[] Off Topic - Are we missing anybody?,
Aaron Grothe
[] Weird... I'm voluntarily using map,
Jay Hannah
[] Errors in Two-Dimensional Arrays,
Jon Lonowski
[] more source code humor,
Jay Hannah
[] More user groups,
Jay Hannah
[] FW: top 10 jobs,
Jay Hannah
[] tweak,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Geneology Database?,
Jay Hannah
Message not available
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [] Geneology Database?,
Jay Hannah
[] FW: Perl banned for being too good - from 1997,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] lines2perl:,
Jay Hannah
[] next meeting,
Dave M
[] Validating XML Messages with Perl on Linux/Unix,
Jay Hannah
[] [Fwd: Re: [pm_groups] Calculate next meeting date],
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [pm_groups] Calculate next meeting date,
Jay Hannah
[] [Fwd: O'Reilly UG Program News: DSUG Discount Changes],
Jay Hannah
[] Next Meeting: Tue, 09 May 2006 @ 7pm!,
Jay Hannah
[] FW: reflection examples needed,
Jay Hannah
[] meeting topic?,
Ryan Stille
[] Devel::Timer,
Jay Hannah
[] OSCON 2006,
Jay Hannah
[] [patch] Devel::Timer,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Calculate next meeting date,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl regexp problem...,
Daniel Linder
[] benchmark and md5sum,
Dave M
[] [Fwd: User Groups: Apress Spring Newsletter Finally Here!],
Jay Hannah
[] Detecting interactive console vs. in a script.,
Daniel Linder
[] rename, link,
Jay Hannah
[] for loop quickie,
Jay Hannah
[] Devel::Timer, Jason Moore,
Jay Hannah
[] Our automated test library now contains 13, 534 tests :),
Jay Hannah
[] lmao... if ($0 !~ /.t/) {,
Jay Hannah
[] FWD: "Build Tag Clouds in Perl and PHP",
Jay Hannah
[] [Fwd: Only 2 days left to buy the Perl eBook Bundle from Apress!],
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: potential pitfall with "return undef",
Jay Hannah
[] YAPC::NA,
Joshua McAdams
[] JavaScript::XRay,
Jeff Bisbee
[] Benchmarking new versions of a module,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting tonight,
Jay Hannah
- <Possible follow-ups>
- [] Meeting tonight,
Jay Hannah
- Re: [] Meeting tonight,
Jay Hannah
- Re: [] [odynug] Re: Meeting tonight,
- [] perlembed Use Perl from C,
Todd Christopher Hamilton
- Re: [] perlembed Use Perl from C,
- Re: [] perlembed Use Perl from C,
Todd Christopher Hamilton
- [] Catalyst,
Todd Christopher Hamilton
- Re: [] Catalyst,
Sterling Hanenkamp
- Re: [] Catalyst,
Jay Hannah
- Re: [] Catalyst,
Sterling Hanenkamp
- Re: [] Catalyst,
Jay Hannah
- Re: [] Catalyst,
Andy Lester
- Re: [] Catalyst,
Sterling Hanenkamp
- Re: [] Catalyst,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Perl Authors at YAPC::NA, Chicago, IL--June 26-28,
Jay Hannah
[] YAPC::NA 2006,
Jeff Bisbee
Re: [] Pick your brain?,
Jay Hannah
Message not available
[] Perl & XML presentation?,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] t-shirts on the web site and ... other assorted questions :),
Jay Hannah
[] C++ questions (kidding),
[] if ($obj->can('get_busy') ...,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] That is odd.,
Jay Hannah
[] Debugger (or Carp?): How can I detect the creation of a key in a hash object?,
Jay Hannah
[] "Any technology sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from a Perl script.",
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Debugger (or Carp?): How can I detect the creation of a key in a hash object?,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Debugger (or Carp?): How can I detect the creationof a key in a hash object?,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: [pm_groups] Call for proposals -- Perl Foundation Grants,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl Monger t-shirts! I'm gathering orders now.,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting tomorrow! 7pm,
Jay Hannah
[] [Fwd: Newsletter from the O'Reilly UG Program, July 11],
Jay Hannah
[] books, Aug 8th meeting agenda,
Jay Hannah
[] I used map again :),
Jay Hannah
[] perl -pi -e 's/umm_tcp/test_tcp/g' *.4gl,
Jay Hannah
[] Another 10m ad-hoc report,
Jay Hannah
[] A split-ting headache...,
Dave M
[] Looking for places for a hackathon,
Andy Lester
Re: [] [Kc] Question,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Lightning talks at OSCON 2006: Announcement for distribution,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [olug] 011010010110110001101111011101100110010101101100011010010110111001110,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: "3 apples" + "2 oranges",
Jay Hannah
[] new address,
Paul Duran
[] Let us honor the White Camel,
Mike Hostetler
[] Fwd: Hackathon: UNO can host,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [Kc] Using Perl,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [pm_groups] Private vs. public,
Jay Hannah
[] -lol- Another cool shirt,
Jay Hannah
[] Last call for Perl Monger shirts!,
Jay Hannah
[] Classic CVS entry,
Jay Hannah
[] Test driven development: RED, GREEN, REFACTOR,
Jay Hannah
[] am I drunk.... code reduction?,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] am I drunk.... code reduction? #2,
Jay Hannah
[] Corporate gibberish,
Jay Hannah
[] /^\Q*****\E/,
Jay Hannah
[] another Redux / Re-ducks,
Jay Hannah
[] a day in the life...,
Jay Hannah
[] Shirts: I'll take your money now. :),
Jay Hannah
[] Uncyclopedia,
Jay Hannah
[] 'Here' Documents don't do method calls,
Jay Hannah
[] sprintf is your friend,
Jay Hannah
[] object -> object mappings,
Jay Hannah
[] regex'ing binary goo??,
Jay Hannah
[] Hackathon Chicago, Nov 10-12, 2006!,
Andy Lester
[] PM shirts: Launch!!,
Jay Hannah
[] code redux,
Jay Hannah
[] Moving library paths around... what did I break?,
Jay Hannah
[] [Fwd: Shirts printed and at shipper by 9/22],
Jay Hannah
[] DBH statement isn't closing,
Mike Hostetler
Re: [] [olug] OLUG - Omaha Linux User Group: Third Thursday (fwd),
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Geo::Distance (Was: DBH statement isn't closing),
Mike Hostetler
[] Fwd: Quality of CPAN modules, CPAN::Reporter,
Jay Hannah
[] The State of the Onion 10,
Jay Hannah
[] opendir, readdir vs. glob,
Jay Hannah
[] FW: Template Toolkit INCLUDE that won't die,
Jay Hannah
[] PM T-shirts arrive this week,
Jay Hannah
[] Shirts are in!,
Jay Hannah
[] Binary stuff in my logs,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Binary stuff in my logs (Log::Log4perl),
Jay Hannah
[] and not and not and not and not...,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: [ensembl-dev] The future of EnsJ,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: [Bioperl-l] Bio::SeqIO -- add an ugly but fast grep hack?,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl: datetime stamps (2006-09-28T18:38:07.97-05:00),
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Perl: datetime stamps (2006-09-28T18:38:07.97-05:0 0),
Thompson, Kenn
[] LWP,
Hefling, Chris
[] Fwd: [Kc] draft bylaws of Kansas City netflixprize team,
Jay Hannah
[] OO book,
Ryan Stille
Re: [] [Bioperl-l] Documentation typo: Bio::Search::Result::GenericResult,
Jay Hannah
[] Burned be a one-liner,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Burned by a one-liner,
Jay Hannah
[] another quickie report,
Jay Hannah
[] Pick a random array element ... beware the web experts :),
Jay Hannah
[] Jay on IRC - print "$j " . int($j) . "\n"; # prints '14 13',
Jay Hannah
[] Did someone borrow "Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics" from me?,
Jay Hannah
[] FW: DBD::Informix & $SIG{ALRM} & /etc/services,
Jay Hannah
[] FW: Test::Harness jacks PERL5LIB which jacks our SEED tests under your new dynamic t directory thing...,
Jay Hannah
[] New Perl Project out at,
Aaron Grothe
[] Fwd: [dynamic_omaha] Rebol tomorrow night!,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Perl solution request,
Jay Hannah
[] Pizza pie! yee-ha,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Wow.,
Jay Hannah
[] we need a 1 liner,
Jay Hannah
[] FIXME, July 2001,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Omaha-pm Digest, Vol 31, Issue 7,
[] FWD: FIXME, July 2001,
Jay Hannah
[] 2007 daylight savings time change,
Jay Hannah
[] You can't go wrong with 1;,
Jay Hannah
[] Project doc overkill,
Jay Hannah
[] One liners are good for you,
Jay Hannah
[] No soup for you! 1 year!,
Jay Hannah
[] Lightning Talks at UNO: Tuesday, 12/5,
Robert Fulkerson
[] Module refuses to return a value,
Mike Hostetler
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting reminder: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 @ 7pm!,
Jay Hannah
[] Google calendar of Omaha user groups,
Ryan Stille
[] o pager=">/tmp/j",
Jay Hannah
[] Camel Kit: Last minute X-mas shopping :),
Jay Hannah
[] My robots have been captcha'd,
Jay Hannah
[] Calling a method w/o an object :),
Jay Hannah
[] Evolution or devolution?,
Jay Hannah
[] Binary goo makes logs hard to read,
Jay Hannah
[] Wow. $/ = '\00'; (and secret meeting tonight),
Jay Hannah
[] Record setting mtg,
Jay Hannah
[] Taunting Java,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] requesting quick help,
Jay Hannah
[] Testing DNS servers,
Jay Hannah
[] use Storable;,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Huh?,
Jay Hannah
[] FW: Huh?,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] debugger question,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Could use your help,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Could you take a look,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [dynamic_omaha] Is this getting traction?,
Jay Hannah
[] Job Snag-O (WWW::Mechanize),
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Job Snag-O,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: UG News--February is Web Design and Development Month at O'Reilly,
Jay Hannah
[] shh.... secret meeting tonight @ 7pm,
Jay Hannah
[] Our wiki is back again,
Jay Hannah
[] One-liner file clean-up,
Jay Hannah
[] pods2html / Pod::Tree::HTML,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: pods2html / Pod::Tree::HTML,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: ref to a ref? circular refs?,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: [pm_groups] The Perl Quiz Night Kit,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl, Python, Ruby or PHP ...,
Robert Fulkerson
- Re: [] Perl, Python, Ruby or PHP ...,
Jesse Andersen
- Re: [] Perl, Python, Ruby or PHP ...,
Jay Hannah
- Re: [] Perl, Python, Ruby or PHP ...,
Dave Thacker
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: [] Perl, Python, Ruby or PHP ...,
Thompson, Kenn
- Re: [] Perl, Python, Ruby or PHP ...,
Thompson, Kenn
[] s/[^ -~]//g; strikes again,
Jay Hannah
[] "Command-Line Bioinformatics",
Jay Hannah
[] DBI::Profile,
Jay Hannah
[] Split Apache conf file into separate files,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting reminder: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 @ 7pm!,
Jay Hannah
[] Bleadperl?,
Dave Thacker
Re: [] Oldies but goodies!,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Friends Of Randall Schwartz...,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] pushing arrays onto arrays?,
Jay Hannah
[] source code from 1992,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: YAPC-NA CFP deadline approaching,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: brian d foy,
Jay Hannah
[] Devel::Cover & BioPerl,
Jay Hannah
[] File migration quicky,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] is live, and has a Quiz for you!,
Jay Hannah
[] I broke my hip,
Jay Hannah
[] Big PMP'n,
Jay Hannah
[] (1) mtg tomorrow! (2) what?,
Jay Hannah
[] find "000" in position 70-72 in text files,
Jay Hannah
[] good mirror script?,
Ryan Stille
[] Mastering Perl,
Jay Hannah
[] Database -> XML,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl Developer Needed,
Todd Christopher Hamilton
[] Lightning Talks, mostly Perl-related: Tuesday, April 24th,
Robert Fulkerson
[] garbage in perldoc (dashes become â characters, etc.),
Jay Hannah
[] Precedence && vs or,
Jay Hannah
Jay Hannah
[] printf("%02d", "2007"),
Jay Hannah
[] evolution,
Jay Hannah
[] Watching sendmail log in real time,
Jay Hannah
[] "grep" huge files w/ no linefeeds,
Jay Hannah
[] Convert date formats in text files,
Jay Hannah
[] May meeting tomorrow, June meeting cancelled,
Jay Hannah
[] Job opening,
Jay Hannah
[] code reduction,
Jay Hannah
[] Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, May 14,
Marsee Henon
Re: [] Jays back referencing substitution code...or the tangled ugliness of nested parens in reg expressions...or 'HEY YA'LL WATCH THIS!!!',
Jay Hannah
[] ColdFusion Job Opening,
Jake Churchill
[] A .. Z,
Jay Hannah
[] 'perl -d' |x hangs when quitting until 'export PERL_RL=1',
Jay Hannah
[] down,
Rob Townley
[] Count occurrences of the value of an attribute in XML,
Jay Hannah
[] Introductory message ... and already I need help!,
Clete Baker
[] Metadot,
[] July meeting: Tuesday July 10, 7pm @ UNO PKI,
Jay Hannah
[] $1700 alarm clock,
Jay Hannah
[] Software Freedom Day,
Dave Thacker
[] bug hunt,
Jay Hannah
[] POD,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: July 10 Meeting - Jay Hannah on Perl and Bionformatics,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: [omaha] better than pyexpect?,
Jay Hannah
[] grep -P,
Jay Hannah
[] Active bandwidth monitoring,
Daniel Linder
[] XML::Twig, get_xpath are cool,
Jay Hannah
[] IO::Multiplex + IO::Socket::SSL ?,
Jay Hannah
[] Help the Perl community better understand its users at,
Andy Lester
Re: [] [olug] [OT]: Learning Perl Resources,
Jay Hannah
[] Substitution loop,
Jay Hannah
[] Wiki,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [olug] ANN: Omaha Python Users Group Meeting, Aug 1 @ 7pm,
Jay Hannah
[] UserFriendly comic strip...,
Daniel Linder
[] Meeting tonight! (Meetings merged with dynamic_omaha),
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [dynamic_omaha] Requirements Part 4 for August 7: Groovy Coding: Car Wash,
Jay Hannah
[] Devel::Timer - Jay the CPAN author :),
Jay Hannah
[] XML::Twig get_xpath(),
Jay Hannah
[] Ok, I retract any complaints...,
Daniel Linder
[] weee, I get to use perl again,
Larson, Timothy E.
[] Fwd: First Brussels Perl Workshop,
Jay Hannah
[] Keeping tens of perl installs in sync. Is autobundle the answer?,
Dave Thacker
[] Meeting tonight: Scott Hickey on Rexx,
Jay Hannah
[] Greetings!,
Travis McArthur
[] Perlbuzz,
Andy Lester
[] Tripwire "Replacement" In Perl,
Travis McArthur
[] Grab all the Error and Warnings out of XML, s/^\n//mg,
Jay Hannah
[] pos() - WHERE did my regex match?,
Jay Hannah
[] Grab all of a specific node out of huge XML files,
Jay Hannah
[] uuencode - C, Pascal, or Perl?,
Jay Hannah
[] debugger,
Jay Hannah
[] Backslash at breaks airlines in Firefox,
Rob Townley
[] Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, September 21,
Jay Hannah
[] Check For Primes Using Perl & Regex,
Travis McArthur
[] Fwd: [dynamic_omaha] October 2, 2007 - Sam Tesla - Gentle Introduction To Erlang,
Jay Hannah
[] Whacking Makefile's,
Jay Hannah
[] /^\s+(.*)/ && do { },
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: [Kc] Need second look at this...,
Jay Hannah
[] is your friend,
Jay Hannah
[] print "%hash";,
Jay Hannah
[] [Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, October 18],
Jay Hannah
[] auto-increment magic,
Jay Hannah
[] $ids[$i++],
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [olug] Character Removal,
Jay Hannah
[] Alarms in Perl.,
Daniel Linder
[] Fwd: November 6, 2007 - ODYNUG - PHP - Ben Heath,
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst for Perl...?,
Daniel Linder
[] FW: we have 15,599 unit tests in Core now,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl 6 NotReally book cover,
Jay Hannah
[] Lines of code vs. lines of POD,
Jay Hannah
[] CPAN dependencies & test results checker,
Jay Hannah
[] Moose - OO programming,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [olug] Test for integer in bash,
Jay Hannah
[] Tight XML::Twig code,
Jay Hannah
[] Dec 4 2007 - Matt Secoske - Processing - ODYNUG,
Blaine Buxton
[] Perl (and BioPerl?) - BIIG Meeting This Monday!,
Jay Hannah
[] Net::SSH::Perl and sudo or su,
Tony Simons
[] Net::SSH::Perl and sudo or su,
Tony Simons
[] Net::SSH::Perl and sudo or su,
Tony Simons
[] BEGIN block for Test::More,
Jay Hannah
[] Regexp::Common - 223,069 tests!,
Jay Hannah
[] Regexp::Common::zip is pretty slick,
Jay Hannah
[] Firefox Search Engine Plugin: CPAN,
Jay Hannah
[] Net::SSH::Perl Alternative Solution,
Tony Simons
[] debugger - $DB::single = 1;,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl::Install,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Perl 5.10.0 is released,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Newsletter for O'Reilly UG Program, December 11,
Jay Hannah
[] 49117: Can't fork and $! not set,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [olug] Bash TCP scripting,
Jay Hannah
[] code reduction :),
Jay Hannah
[] warnings... boo!,
Jay Hannah
[] [dynamic_omaha] January 8: Bob McCoy - PowerShell - Omaha Dynamic Language User Group,
Blaine Buxton
[] newsletter - check out Parrot from Subversion and type "make perl6:",
Jay Hannah
[] I moved our website to MediaWiki,
Jay Hannah
[] 5.10.0,
Larson, Timothy E.
[] Food for Thought,
Dave Thacker
[] Catalyst: uri_with(),
Jay Hannah
[] warnings annoying me again,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, January 25,
Jay Hannah
[] what kind of construct is (_) ?,
Jay Hannah
[] Installing into /home/jhannah/lib,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting: February 5, 2008 - Sam Tesla - OCaml,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Meeting canceled tonight,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl job in Lincoln,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: amusing template engine story,
Jay Hannah
[] ...inversely proportional to the complexity of the change.,
Jay Hannah
[] Part Time Programmer,
Todd Christopher Hamilton
[] Fwd: Conference Season Continues,
Jay Hannah
[] Another wiki page,
Jay Hannah
[] Find all the times a substring appears in a string,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [Kc] Kansas City Hack Day,
Jay Hannah
[] March 4 - Android by Brent Adkisson And OCaml by Sam Tesla,
Jay Hannah
[] BioPerl: Nucleic acids,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Introducing The Perl College,
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst: Adding Action Timings To Your Output,
Jay Hannah
[] Cheesy XML wrangling,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: [pm_groups] Summer of Code -- volunteers needed,
Jay Hannah
[] Little tab-delimited file manipulator,
Jay Hannah
[] Find all the keys present in two files,
Jay Hannah
[] Pulling data from a crappy MS-SQL server somewhere in Mexico...,
Jay Hannah
[] get_xpath via Perl, Template Toolkit (XML::Twig),
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: [Templates] Python and TT,
Jay Hannah
[] KC Hack Day,
Jay Hannah
[] regex to lift Crypt::Tea strings out of XML,
Jay Hannah
[] from homebrew objects to Moose,
Jay Hannah
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Back to the Template,
Jay Hannah
[] Jonathan Coulton song: Code Monkey,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: [Bioperl-l] Call for Student Applications - NESCent participates in the Google Summer of Code,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [pm_groups] Summer of Code Students -- Last call,
Jay Hannah
[] pseudo-code, browser-based ERDs,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl syntax on it's head #2,
Jay Hannah
[] April 1: 7pm-9pm, Why Smalltalk - Blaine Buxton,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: [pm_groups] perl training deadline,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Perl and Birthday Cupcakes,
Jay Hannah
[] Google Application Engine,
Jay Hannah
[] Another CPAN credit :),
Jay Hannah
[] Another XML hack,
Jay Hannah
[] Are URIs still alive?,
Jay Hannah
[] DBIx::Class ... but without the fancy objects,
Jay Hannah
[] Misc perl manips,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting: May 6: Matt Secoke - Advanced Ruby: Deep inside the MOP,
Jay Hannah
[] hotels + math + perl geek...?,
Jay Hannah
[] Presentations: wish list, volunteers,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Jay Hannah
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Jake Churchill
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Mike Hostetler
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Robert Fulkerson
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Clete Baker
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Todd Christopher Hamilton
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Jeremy Fluhmann
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Christopher Cashell
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Travis McArthur
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Dave Thacker
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Dan Linder
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Herb Wolfe
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Rob Townley
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Michael Kolakowski
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Noel Leistad
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Richard Norton
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Sean Baker
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Virtual Joe
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
kiran bina
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Theodore Katseres
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
sidney . omaha . pm
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Brandon Glesmann
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
John Dickson
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
George Neill
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
John Amdor III
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Chris St. Pierre
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Patrick Timmins
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Larson, Timothy E.
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Thompson, Kenn
- Re: [] Perl Mongers Census 2008... PING! ROLL CALL!,
Thompson, Kenn
Re: [] Omaha-pm Digest, Vol 49, Issue 5,
r c
[] Bio::Graphics::Glyph::dna, BarCampOmaha,
Jay Hannah
[] Google Chart API,
Jay Hannah
[] Captcha::reCAPTCHA,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: YAPC::NA 2008 - Jun 16-18 Chicago,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Thoughts on new meeting day?,
Jay Hannah
[] YAPC::NA - yay, I'm going!,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: June 3, 7pm-9pm: Seaside!,
Jay Hannah
[] ChemChains sandbox,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] ChemChains, DLUG, ..etc.,
Jay Hannah
[] Lightning talks,
Jay Hannah
[] Burch Kealey is out of the office.,
Burch Kealey
[] Fwd: Your Lightning Talk in Chicago has been accepted,
Jay Hannah
[] MooseX::Getopt,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] June 3, 7pm-9pm: Seaside!,
Jay Hannah
[] Pulp Perl slides,
Jay Hannah
[] explode gt split,
Jay Hannah
[] UNO course changes,
Jay Weston Hannah
[] perl -MCatalyst\ 100 -e0,
Jay Hannah
[] ack,
Mike Hostetler
[] Fwd: July 1 Meeting: Mike Hostetler - Django,
Jay Hannah
Jay Hannah
[] Shiny perl on my lappie,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: New Book: Learning Perl, Fifth Edition,
Jay Hannah
[] Rosetta Stone for Perl/VBScript/C/PHP/etc?,
Dan Linder
[] Forbes Perl glitch,
Jay Hannah
[] Meetings moved: 2nd Tuesday of each month,
Jay Hannah
[] One-liner a genbank file (redux),
Jay Hannah
[] Perl - Print current date as UTC(Zulu),
Tony Simons
[] perl -MTest::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst\ 100,
Jay Hannah
[] Pulling in a hash via "exec"...FAIL,
Dan Linder
[] regex's on steroids,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: BarCamp Omaha just 8 days away!,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: [odynug] August 12: Git by Sam Tesla,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] strange file exists behavior,
Jay Hannah
[] Using -> inside double quotes,
Jay Hannah
[] PerlNET - ActiveState Perl in Microsoft .NET,
Jay Hannah
[] Evolution of a POE server,
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst - database access syntax,
Jay Hannah
[] for (@row),
Jay Hannah
[] 17 Perl web frameworks,
Jay Hannah
[] CSV and core modules.,
Dan Linder
[] Redhat perl what a tragedy,
Jay Hannah
[] CGI::Ajax and saving state...,
Dan Linder
[] Benchmark flakiness,
Jay Hannah
[] Wow. The New York Times profiler.,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, August 26,
Jay Hannah
[] $0 = "I am not running";,
Jay Hannah
[] What's that structure name?,
Dave Thacker
[] Text::FixedWidth,
Jay Hannah
[] The many faces of return;,
Jay Hannah
[] Search and replace,
Jay Hannah
[] Fumbling with formats and IO:Handle.,
Dave Thacker
[] Regex X-treme!,
Jay Hannah
[] September 9, 2008, 7pm-9pm - Prototype by Ben Heath,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: [pm_groups] Pittsburgh Perl Workshop 2008,
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst::Runtime POD,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: New Perl Projects,
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-DBIC v0.07,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl Catalyst, Ruby on Rails,
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst uri_for(),
Jay Hannah
[] Another CPAN credit,
Jay Hannah
[] DNA,
Jay Hannah
[] 2005 is making a comeback! (Test-Harness-2.56),
[] My first hash slice,
[] Moose commit bit,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting Tue Oct. 14,
Jay Hannah
[] CORE::length,
Jay Hannah
[] Some lines of a file,
Jay Hannah
[] BioNerdery, a year in the life,
Jay Hannah
[] blank line here-doc,
Jay Hannah
[] EditGrid - online spreadsheets (Catalyst),
Jay Hannah
[] Help with File::Find,
Mike Hostetler
- Re: [] Help with File::Find,
Andy Lester
- Re: [] Help with File::Find,
Mike Hostetler
- Re: [] Help with File::Find,
Jay Hannah
- Re: [] Help with File::Find,
Mike Hostetler
- Re: [] Help with File::Find,
Jay Hannah
- Re: [] Help with File::Find,
- Re: [] Help with File::Find,
Mike Hostetler
- Re: [] Help with File::Find,
Jay Hannah
- Re: [] Help with File::Find,
Andy Lester
- Re: [] Help with File::Find,
Mike Hostetler
- Re: [] Help with File::Find,
Jay Hannah
- Re: [] Help with File::Find,
Andy Lester
[] Fwd: IMPORTANT - help us estimate the size of the Catalyst user base,
Jay Hannah
[] Possibly hiring?: genetics research programmer,
Jay Hannah
[] Entry Level Programmer,
Todd Christopher Hamilton
[] Reminder: Meeting Tonight!!!!,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl, BioPerl,
Jay Hannah
[] Visual map of a Perl program structure?,
Dan Linder
[] (cont'd from August),
Jay Hannah
[] Fishing for GUI ideas...,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Fishing for GUI ideas...,
James Harr
[] Iterators,
[] All possible DNA sequences that are 5-7 bases long,
[] Suggested XML modules...,
Dan Linder
[] Lightning talk at mtg next Tue?,
Jay Hannah
[] not defined $bucket || $bucket eq '???',
Jay Hannah
[] Command SCP client for Windows,
Dan Linder
[] UNO Student Lightning Talks, Fall 2008,
Robert Fulkerson
[] Lightning talks from outside the echo chamber,
Andy Lester
Re: [] Is this necessary? (perl code),
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Perl student outreach,
Jay Hannah
[] GBrowse to the rescue again yesterday,
Jay Hannah
[] silly warnings,
Jay Hannah
- Re: [] silly warnings,
Jay Hannah
- Re: [] silly warnings,
Sterling Hanenkamp
- Re: [] silly warnings,
Jay Hannah
- Re: [] silly warnings,
Dan Linder
- Re: [] silly warnings,
Dan Linder
- Re: [] silly warnings,
Theodore Katseres
- Re: [] silly warnings,
Dan Linder
- Re: [] silly warnings,
Theodore Katseres
- Re: [] silly warnings,
Dan Linder
- Re: [] silly warnings,
Jay Hannah
- Re: [] silly warnings,
Dan Linder
- Re: [] silly warnings,
Dan Linder
- Re: [] silly warnings,
Theodore Katseres
- Re: [] silly warnings,
Jay Hannah
[] Pure Perl ssh tunnel to MySQL,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl 6 Hangman,
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst::Plugin::FillInForm,
Jay Hannah
[] WebGUI CMS,
Jay Hannah
[] Test Questions,
[] Fwd: [Kc] Frozen Perl 2009 conference,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [Kc] Frozen Perl 2009 conference,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Next meeting: Jan 13,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: [pm_groups] GSoC 2009 - can your .pm pledge a student?,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: [pm_groups] Summer of Code 2009 - engaging with students,
Jay Hannah
[] Local toner refill/purchase?,
Dan Linder
[] Perl + BioPerl + R + ghostscript,
Jay Hannah
[] Can't locate ThatThing::YOUWroteHERE,
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst: Text::SimpleTable's now go as wide as $ENV{COLUMNS},
Jay Hannah
[] Modern::Perl,
Jay Hannah
[] Alltell / Windstream and a new DSL modem...,
Dan Linder
[] uppercasing some things in complex nested structures,
Jay Hannah
[] longest xpath ever?,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl + Electronica/Dance/Jazz/Techno,
Jay Hannah
[] Tighter/cleaner way to do this? map { grep {} } ?,
Jay Hannah
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: [odynug] iPhone Development this Tuesday (tomorrow) night!,
Jay Hannah
[] [OT] Subversion assistance...,
Dan Linder
[] Gotta love perl...,
Jay Hannah
[] XML::Twig demo,
Jay Hannah
[] XML::Twig demo #2,
Jay Hannah
[] Carwash Challenge 2 - Lightning Talk Edition,
Jay Hannah
[] need 315k alpha-numeric numbers with a width of 6?,
Sean Baker
[] What time is it? 1234567890?,
Jay Hannah
[] Bio::Tools::OddCodes and me,
Jay Hannah
[] Class::Sniff,
Jay Hannah
[] The BioPerl Scrapbook,
Jay Hannah
[] Job posting: Programmer/Analyst (Perl, Unix, SQL),
Jay Hannah
[] woot! Our Catalyst re-skin is live,
Jay Hannah
[] Slick use of Benchmark,
Jay Hannah
Jay Hannah
[] The Genome Center WUSTL,
Jay Hannah
[] github repo,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Blaine's challenge Redux,
Jay Hannah
[] New challenge posted: pet_paradise!,
Jay Hannah
[] Modify an existing PDF?,
Jay Hannah
[] I'm coming to town and would like to talk to y'all,
Andy Lester
[] Using map to grab multiple fields from file...,
Dan Linder
[] Pet paradise challenge: perl_1: basic parsing done,
Jay Hannah
[] "order by begin, end",
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: TPF in Google Summer of Code!,
Jay Hannah
[] First BioPerl patch,
Jay Hannah
[] Class::Accessor::Fast (for PDF::TextBlock),
Jay Hannah
Jay Hannah
[] Reading a Unix vs a DOS text file,
Mike Hostetler
[] code change ... good? bad? ugly?,
Jay Hannah
[] PDF::TextBlock,
Jay Hannah
[] Regional VBScript programmers mailing list?,
Dan Linder
[] [OT] PCI authorize without actual posting,
Rob Townley
[] April 14th Meeting: Double Feature,
Samuel Tesla
[] Google Code Search,
Jay Hannah
[] Padre + Catalyst,
Jay Hannah
[] POE catches the jhannah bug,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl 5.10.0 has 78,883 core tests. Ruby?,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl, fork, and waitpid(),
Dan Linder
[] Yup, it's Student Lightning Talk Time in Omaha Again!,
Robert Fulkerson
[] Differences to expect when using flock() on different OS and Filesystems.,
Dan Linder
[] I've been syndicated!,
Jay Hannah
[] My first core perl patch in git,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Send a newbie,
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst book #2 coming soon,
Jay Hannah
[] Text::FixedWidth 0.05,
Jay Hannah
[] perl repo,
Jay Hannah
[] KiokuDB,
Jay Hannah
[] CPAN dist release graph ... wow!,
Jay Hannah
[] Tweak the Perl regex engine: assign to pos(),
Jay Hannah
[] Installing Catalyst and all dependencies "in 30 seconds",
Jay Hannah
[] CPAN smokers rule!,
Jay Hannah
[] ODynUG Meeting: May 12,
Samuel Tesla
[] Perlbuzz: form data, Moose,
Jay Hannah
[] The Programming Language with the Happiest Users,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl, Template Toolkit, and GraphViz,
Jay Hannah
[] perl, git, github,
Jay Hannah
[] YAPC::NA (YAPC|10),
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Adding Perl support for Google App Engine,
Jay Hannah
[] Parsing a Text File,
Andrew Embury
[] Fwd: White Camel Nominations,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Some manager said.....,
Jay Hannah
[] Yay! Only 11 lines (0.000535 %) of Perl5 is my fault,
Jay Hannah
[] ODynUG Meeting Tomorrow,
Samuel Tesla
[] MooseX::Workers & github,
Re: [] New Coordinator,
Jay Hannah
[] Linus on git rebase,
Jay Hannah
[] perl5 introspection (thanks Moose!),
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: "I'm tired of writing Perl, I'm tired of VBA",
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst book #2,
Jay Hannah
[] Next meeting: Tuesday July 14 | Call for presentations,
Jay Hannah
[] here doc help,
Chad Homan
[] Next meeting: Tue Aug 11, 2009,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [olug] Yesterday's dd-wrt release fixes vulnerability,
Rob Townley
[] New Perl books: Moose, Catalyst,
Re: [] [Bioperl-l] bioperl reorganization,
[] Meeting room change: PKI 276,
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst Action @args tip,
Jay Hannah
[] Next meeting Tue Sep 8,
Jay Hannah
[] Embeddable database options.,
Dan Linder
[] Fwd: Perl for Android,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting tonight: Engine Yard, Scala, etc,
Jay Hannah
[] 3.46 - oops,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [odynug] Interest in Grails at the next meeting?,
Jay Hannah
[] Text::Unidecode,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl stats (graphs),
Jay Hannah
[] Win32 Enterprise Deployment of Perl,
Todd Christopher Hamilton
[] Next mtg: Oct. 13 7pm,
Jay Hannah
[] Term::ProgressBar is neato,
Jay Hannah
[] Wow. \d is a lot :),
Jay Hannah
[] Perl and (horrors) calling an Assembly routine.,
Dan Linder
[] DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader moniker_map,
Jay Hannah
[] Whoah. They're talking about my code on PerlMonks,
Jay Hannah
[] Self monitoring a perl scripts memory usage...,
Dan Linder
[] 2 pushes to CPAN today,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Poll: Which editor(s) or IDE(s) are you using for Perl development?,
Jay Hannah
[] IRC chat links,
Jay Hannah
[] Pet Paradise: Ruby > Perl > Erlang!,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Web site consulting work,
Jay Hannah
[] BioPerl on FLOSS Weekly,
Dan Linder
[] Mapping Perl structures to a SQL table...,
Dan Linder
[] Future Perl snuck up on me,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting in 70 minutes!,
Jay Hannah
[] Our next 2 meetings,
Jay Hannah
[] Omaha's first-ever Catalyst Wed Dev Workshop!,
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst Workshop: 24 slots remaining,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: [pm_groups] ISO location for perl/data center,
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst Workshop: 22 slots, 5 days left to register,
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst Workshop: 10-12 inches of snow?,
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst Workshop: The Rescheduling,
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst Workshop,
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst Workshop: Monday Dec. 14, 7pm,
Jay Hannah
[] Cat workshop tonight @ 7pm! (Pizza @ ~6:30),
Jay Hannah
[] Next mtg: Tue Jan 12 7pm: PLT-Scheme mini hackathon,
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst advent calendar,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [olug] need some quick help with sed,
Jay Hannah
- Message not available
- Message not available
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [] [olug] need some quick help with sed,
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst Workshop - The Purging,
Jay Hannah
[] [OT] Need a DVI cable...,
Dan Linder
[] Modern Perl: the book,
Jay Hannah
[] Next mtg: Tue Jan 12, 7pm: PLT-Scheme mini hackathon,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl CGI, start_form(), and alt tags...,
Dan Linder
Re: [] Omaha-pm Digest, Vol 69, Issue 4,
Eric Kennedy
Re: [] 874,
Jay Hannah
[] New challenge: check the check,
Jay Hannah
[] PerlTidy and Critic for other languages,
Todd Christopher Hamilton
[] Sanitizing user input to use in a regexp search.,
Dan Linder
Re: [] Local Open source projects?,
Jay Hannah
[] [OT] Parsing XML with command line XSLT xsltproc...,
Dan Linder
[] MooseX::StrictConstructor,
Jay Hannah
[] q{} is your friend. shell escaping is not :),
Jay Hannah
[] Eliminating Inheritance via Smalltalk-Style Traits (all examples in Perl),
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting tonight, 7pm! Challenge hack-a-thon,
Jay Hannah
[] Startup Weekend Omaha: Mar 19-21,
Jay Hannah
[] map {} instead of $i,
Jay Hannah
[] Zoned Decimal/Packed Data,
Jay Swackhamer
[] Google Fiber home Internet sevice RFI,
Dan Linder
[] Perl myths 200909,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: New Online Course - Perl 1: Intro to Perl - Enroll Now & Save 50%,
Jay Hannah
[] Next meeting: March 9, 7pm - Call for presentations,
Jay Hannah
[] PayPal - LINUX Engineer with Perl and Shell Scripting?,
Jay Hannah
[] ack '\-\>Promotion',
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Calling All Google Summer of Code Mentors,
Jay Hannah
[] Dancer - "The easiest way to write web applications in Perl",
Jay Hannah
[] Perl question,
Wendy Moroz
[] perl -Moose=foo,
Jay Hannah
[] tests=226993,
Jay Hannah
[] git cheat sheet,
Jay Hannah
[] Next meeting: Randal Schwartz! 7pm April 13 2010,
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst::Plugin::AutoCRUD is a sexy beast,
Jay Hannah
[] Do you ~~ ?,
Jay Hannah
[] Gource: Programmers as action heroes,
Jay Hannah
[] UG News: Discount for O'Reilly Open Source Convention (OSCON),
Jay Hannah
[] 5.12.0 released!(?),
Jay Hannah
[] Tonight, 7pm! "Forget the ORM! Persistent Data with non-traditional databases.",
Jay Hannah
[] Kilts at YAPC,
Jay Hannah
[] Omaha: Thanks again!,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Perl Position,
Sterling Hanenkamp
[] short is good,
Jay Hannah
[] shorter is better 2,
Jay Hannah
[] "Coding Kata" coding challenges,
Jay Hannah
[] Word frequency counter,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Business Awareness of the Perl programmers,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] YAPC::NA 2010 June 21-23rd Columbus, OH,
Jay Hannah
[] Tue May 11 7pm - Sam Tesla: GO and Haskell,
Jay Hannah
[] >,
Jay Hannah
[] Hudson for Subversion + Perl,
Jay Hannah
[] Presentation request: git workshop,
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst and Quality Assurance bliss,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl Telecommuter Research,
Sterling Hanenkamp
[] Fwd: The Perl Survey 2010 is now live,
Jay Hannah
[] find_or_create() your own test data,
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst Tutorial Problem,
Todd Hamilton
[] NEW ROOM NUMBER - June 8 meeting,
Jay Hannah
[] perl-5.12.1 - 348,915 tests,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting tomorrow, 7pm,
Jay Hannah
[] r11111,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl Daemon,
Todd Hamilton
[] Fwd: Seeking senior Perl talent for quantitative finance at Bank of America in Atlanta, GA,
Jay Hannah
[] Greetings from YAPC (perl5i),
Jay Hannah
[] Infotec, NFJS: Perl booth?,
Jay Hannah
[] Accessing CGI objects passed through a function call...,
Dan Linder
[] map, grep in the debugger,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting tomorrow night, 7pm,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] XML::Twig usage,
Jay Hannah
[] regex preference,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Are the people in your PM group IRC savvy?,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: running Rakudo * at your PM group | and other stuff,
Jay Hannah
[] 3rd Catalyst book is available,
Jay Hannah
[] FW: why is $# used in this section of code?,
Jay Hannah
[] Having given both a whirl: Perl, Python,
Jay Hannah
[] Git workshop tomorrow night - 7pm,
Jay Hannah
[] Git Workshop, Sept meeting,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] irc client,
Jay Hannah
[] DBIx::Class join, prefetch,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl/Unix programming position at Omni Hotels,
Sean Baker
Re: [] MS-SQL access from Perl,
Jay Hannah
[] Lisbon Perl Mongers :),
Jay Hannah
[] author gonzo?,
Jay Hannah
[] is down?,
Jay Hannah
[] FW: is down?,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting tomorrow, 7pm; community dev server,
Jay Hannah
[] mmm... 5.12.2 on Debian 5.0,
Jay Hannah
[] community development server,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] community development server,
Rob Townley
[] Fwd: UG News: Free to Choose Your Cookbook - Ebook Deal of the Day - $9.99 Each,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Account,
Jay Hannah
[] shorter is gooder,
Jay Hannah
[] still looking for a Linux Admin / Programmer I or II type,
Sean Baker
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Question: and SOAP with PERL,
Jay Hannah
[] Randall Shwartz just tweeted this,
Chris Brandstetter
[] Larry Wall speaking in Pittsburgh today,
Re: [] Meeting: Tuesday October 12, 7pm,
Jay Hannah
[] Survey: Can you ping,
Jay Hannah
[] (?:pattern),
Jay Hannah
[] "MongoDB is web scale",
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Can you post a little more detail about the format of the event?,
Michael Kolakowski
Jay Hannah
[] http request - perl vs. java,
Jay Hannah
[] Intermittent Perl error...,
Dan Linder
[] Persistent data store for a prototype,
Dave Burchell
[] Code retreat - repost,
Michael Kolakowski
[] Meeting Tue, 7pm - jQuery, MongoDB,
Jay Hannah
[] template,
Jay Hannah
[] DBIx::Class - join on a joined table,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: weird perl bug,
Jay Hannah
[] noCPAN coding,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] noCPAN coding (Jay Hannah),
Chris Brandstetter
[] Fwd: Perl Position in Kansas City,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] hammock-driven development,
Jay Hannah
[] FIXED: DBICSL can't 'can',
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Perl Oasis 2011,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Beer && Code Holiday Party,
Jay Hannah
[] Don't blame Perl for all ugly code!,
Jay Hannah
[] Strftime between Linux/Unix and Windows differences.,
Dan Linder
[] Holiday party tomorrow 6pm,
Jay Hannah
[] Oops! next out of a sub,
Jay Hannah
[] Code Golf: Piano,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: the joys of encoding,
Jay Hannah
[] github:fi - run your own github,
Jay Hannah
[] Part time Catalyst development,
Jay Hannah
[] shiny!,
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst + Template Toolkit - custom filters,
Jay Hannah
[] Another telecommute job,
Jay Hannah
[] 5.10 - vertical, horizontal whitespace,
Jay Hannah
[] DateTime::Duration ->days(),
Jay Hannah
[] Plat_Forms Day 2: Java vs. Perl vs. PHP vs. Ruby,
Jay Hannah
[] 5.8 becomes unsupported in April,
Jay Hannah
[] is down... again? still?,
Jay Hannah
[] Lacuna Expanse status report (Perl based MMO),
Jay Hannah
[] Next meeting: Tue Feb 8, 7pm,
Jay Hannah
[] Online git training next Friday - 7 hours for $195,
Jay Hannah
[] framework shell shock?,
Jay Hannah
[] DBIx::Class::Journal,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting tonight, 7pm,
Jay Hannah
[] PRANG - "XML to Moose objects and back!",
Jay Hannah
[] DBIx::Class::Fixtures - dump, reload databases,
Jay Hannah
[] find a -d 1 -type d -exec cp -R {} b/ \;,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] log4perl.cfg format?,
Jay Hannah
[] perl 5.12.3 on DreamHost VPS,
Jay Hannah
[] Unexpected internal vs shell command speed result...,
Dan Linder
[] Perl TDD Intro,
Jay Hannah
[] wunderlist seems to be a nice example of a Appcelerator Titanium application,
Matt Payne
[] Change in from 5.8 to 5.10...?,
Dan Linder
[] perl5i - like a camel with a machine gun,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [odynug] Profanity in git commits per language,
Dan Linder
[] Meeting starts in 90m :),
Jay Hannah
[] Do you have a working Cable Modem you no longer want?,
Rob Townley
[] Beer && Code - right now!,
Jay Hannah
[] Plack - 1 line web app,
Jay Hannah
[] new,
Jay Hannah
[] Disability compliance (Section 508),
Jay Hannah
[] Redmine everywhere,
Jay Hannah
[] Personal accounts of "My Journey to Perl" in Twitter,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [odynug] PERL Problem,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting tonight: social only, Clancy's 7pm,
Jay Hannah
[] Continuous Integration: Hudson vs. Jenkins,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [Kc] CRUD,
Jay Hannah
[] Help wanted,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting tomorrow 7pm,
Jay Hannah
[] AUTO: Burch Kealey is out of the office (returning Mon 05/16/2011),
Burch Kealey
[] DBIx::Class (SQL::Abstract),
Jay Hannah
[] Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::Array (mouthful) object sorting by attributes,
[] Perl 5.14.0 released,
Jay Hannah
[] YAPC::NA 2011,
Jay Hannah
[] use POSIX qw(ceil);,
Jay Hannah
[] Velociraptor 3 achievement badge,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting Tue June 14,
Jay Hannah
[] <fieldset> <legend>,
Jay Hannah
[] Beginning working with XML::Twig.,
Dan Linder
[] Suggested XML modules... (2011),
Dan Linder
[] Call for presentations,
Jay Hannah
[] "A successful Git branching model" + git-flow,
Jay Hannah
Jay Hannah
[] pretty JSON,
Jay Hannah
[] Startup Weekend Omaha - Sep 16-18,
Jay Hannah
[] One day workshop in Omaha - Intro to Moose,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Moose Class,
Jay Hannah
[] Rosetta Code,
Jay Hannah
[] map grep,
Jay Hannah
[] POE::Component::Client::Stomp,
Todd Hamilton
[] Perl5 OO docs,
Jay Hannah
[] says...,
Jay Hannah
[] This is the best thing ever,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Perl Poll: What would you like to read about?,
Jay Hannah
[] A regex "best fit" finder?,
Dan Linder
[] Haha spam,
Jay Hannah
[] Lost in Plack,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Potential group project: The Perl Cookbook,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd:,
Jay Hannah
[] November meeting,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] AI in Real Time Strategy games,
Jay Hannah
[] Email hates the living,
Jay Hannah
[] Omaha Perl jobs,
Jay Hannah
[] OT: CHMC Omaha Is Hiring Healthcare IT Positions,
Todd Hamilton
[] Fwd:,
Jay Hannah
[] Help proofread the new edition of Modern Perl,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: mobile application and website development opportunity,
Nick Wertzberger
[] AI Challenge (Google) - Ants - Submission deadline Dec 18,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting Dec 13, 7pm,
Jay Hannah
[] Chart::Strip,
Jay Hannah
[] OAuth2 and REST at,
Jay Hannah
[] Free webinar: 10 things every web developer, designer (and manager) should know about HTML5,
Jay Hannah
[] Fork with a disown,
Nick Wertzberger
[] Coworking in southwest Omaha,
Jay Hannah
[] Dec 13 meeting,
Jay Hannah
[] AI Challenge: Ants,
Jay Hannah
[] Pizza status bar,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Happy Holidays from TPF (apologies if you dislike html emails),
Jay Hannah
[] I ran Alchemy through GraphViz,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: [yapc] contact info,
Jay Hannah
[] Games::Construder - Minecraft style game written in Perl and C,
Jay Hannah
[] Code Golf,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: [yapc] YAPC::NA 2012 Call For Presenters Now Open!,
Jay Hannah
[] A look back at Perl 2011 (and some stats from other languages),
Jay Hannah
[] NASA on github,
Jay Hannah
[] AI challenge: Ants: post mortem,
Jay Hannah
[] for HTML5, etc.,
Jay Hannah
[] news feed?,
Jay Hannah
[] PKI parking permit - print your own,
Jay Hannah
[] code retreat omaha,
Michael Kolakowski
[] 469 public repos,
Jay Hannah
[] Sciency Perl @ UNMC,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [OMG] Twitter & The Makery Management Micro,
Jay Hannah
[] Date::RangeSet,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Kansas City Developer Conference - April 27 & 28,
Jay Hannah
[] FaceBook junkies?,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [ #74087] PDF::TextBlock::Font->new,
Jay Hannah
[] IRC,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl Oasis - presentation videos,
Jay Hannah
[] Shit Programmers Say,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting tonight! 7pm!,
Jay Hannah
[] Programming Perl, 4th edition,
Jay Hannah
[] Net::LDAP,
Jay Hannah
[] HTTP 1.1 activity diagram,
Jay Hannah
[] Learning perl - working with LDAP,
Bill Brush
[] version-finder-metacpan,
Jay Hannah
[] The "Modern Perl" book is now available - free PDF downloads.,
Dan Linder
[] Programming Perl, 4th Edition has arrived! (Hardcopy),
Christopher Cashell
[] Feb 14 meeting - call for presentor(s),
Jay Hannah
[] My first script,
Bill Brush
Re: [] outliers,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting cancelled - See you Apr 10!,
Jay Hannah
[] Thoughts on Scala,
Jay Hannah
[] "My Git Habits",
Jay Hannah
[] Driving to YAPC::NA (+ dirt biking) June 13-15,
Jay Hannah
[] Epic pull requests,
Jay Hannah
[] Sauce Labs - Selenium (browser testing automation) in the cloud,
Jay Hannah
[] Invitation to connect on LinkedIn,
Todd Hamilton
[] TIOBE : C overtakes Java as the No.1 programming language,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [OMG] where do i join,
Dan Linder
[] Fwd: April- parking permit passes,
Jay Hannah
[] Pizza pickup at 6:40 - See you at 7!,
Jay Hannah
[] Making a PDF with Perl...,
Dan Linder
[] Explaining Web Programming via Plack,
Jay Hannah
[] Unity game engine at upcoming meeting?,
Jay Hannah
[] perl instead of cut -f 2,3,1,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Bulk Orders (of Modern Perl) for User Groups,
Jay Hannah
[] web conference assistance,
Chad Homan
[] New(?) Catalyst website,
Jay Hannah
[] Kansas City May 25, 26 - Hack the Midwest,
Jay Hannah
[] YAPC::NA sold out,
Jay Hannah
[] OSX gcc -> llvm,
Jay Hannah
[] Merge tomorrows meeting in w/ jQuery (Twitter Bootstrap)?,
Jay Hannah
[] Hack the Midwest pushed back to June 2, 3,
Jay Hannah
[] brew install ack,
Jay Hannah
[] Tonight's meeting MOVED, MERGED - tonight 6pm @ CF Webtools,
Jay Hannah
[] June 12 meeting,
Jay Hannah
[] Strawberry Perl released,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Omaha-pm post from requires approval,
Jay Hannah
Jay Hannah
[] Golf my program :),
Jay Hannah
[] $ perl -de 'BEGIN {@DB::typeahead=("V main","q")}; 1',
Jay Hannah
[] YAPC::NA stats - Omaha, KC?,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [odynug] Intro,
Jay Hannah
[] Recent Jobs Needing Perl Knowledge/Experience,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Perl Weekly - a new invitation,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting tonight 7pm @covisco (+ A/V info),
Jay Hannah
[] July 10 meeting,
Jay Hannah
[] YAPC::NA launch!,
Jay Hannah
[] FaceBook Group - please join!,
Jay Hannah
[] regex: \b Match a word boundary,
Jay Hannah
[] Email::MIME::Kit,
Jay Hannah
[] perlbrew can manage your local::libs now,
Jay Hannah
[] Videos from YAPC last week,
Jay Hannah
[] mst in action,
Jay Hannah
[] 51 YAPC videos and climbing,
Jay Hannah
[] 'perlbrew lib' handles local::lib for you,
Jay Hannah
[] Quantified Onion,
Sam Flint
[] Learning to design,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting tomorrow night (Tue) 7pm,
Jay Hannah
[] Pizza @ 6:45 @ CoVis CoWorking,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Perl / Expect / Minecraft,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: The new,
Jay Hannah
[] Shirts in 2006,
Jay Hannah
[] haha,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Academic vs Production Code,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Tri-copter,
Jay Hannah
[] Meetings: Sep 11, Oct 9,
Jay Hannah
[] Highcharts is pretty slick,
Jay Hannah
[] Moose Hackathon Norway,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting Tuesday 7pm AT PKI(?),
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting tonight 7pm AT COVISCO,
Jay Hannah
[] Tonight - parking permit,
Jay Hannah
[] Can someone recommend an IRC client?,
Dave Burchell
[] Project Euler - Lots of mathy/programming puzzles! :),
Jay Hannah
Re: [] 1 Omaha-pm moderator request(s) waiting,
Jay Hannah
[] Book suggestions for a Perl programmer wanting to learn Python?,
Dan Linder
[] Exclusivity, not popularity,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl is VERY good at database manipulation :),
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [omaha] PDF to Text parsing,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [omaha] PDF to Text parsing (Jay Hannah),
Chris Brandstetter
Re: [] PDF to Text parsing,
Chris Brandstetter
[] Meeting tomorrow 7pm - helicopters and geospatial data kung-fu,
Jay Hannah
[] Have a fitbit? Join the Perl Mongers group!,
Jay Hannah
[] Parking pass for tonight's meeting,
Jay Hannah
[] Shane's presentation from last night,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Survey about newcomer experience and citizenship behavior in the Perl community,
Jay Hannah
[] November 13 meeting,
Jay Hannah
[] OT: web gurus,
Chad Homan
[] XML::Twig error handling,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [olug] Apache,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: XML::Twig error handling,
Jay Hannah
[] 2013 Midwest Perl/Moose training?,
Jay Hannah
[] On FaceBook,
Jay Hannah
[] github repo renamed,
Jay Hannah
[] website 2003,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting tomorrow (Tue) night 7pm,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [odynug] Meeting tomorrow (Tue) night 7pm,
Jay Hannah
[] Parking pass for tonight,
Jay Hannah
[] ROOM CHANGE: 157,
Jay Hannah
[] http://PleaseConvince.Me/,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] perl,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] perl,
Nick Wertzberger
Jay Hannah
[] No Dec, Jan meetings (right?),
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [odlug] Join Beer && Coders at Beercade - Wednesday 12/19!,
Jay Hannah
[] JetBrains 75% off (IntelliJ for Groovy) - 14 more hours,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [odlug] Teaching a Friend,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [odlug] Language options for a small website?,
Sam Flint
[] Fwd: You're invited to Learn about Lua,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [odlug] Are Perl's "glory days" gone for good?,
Jay Hannah
[] Yup, Perl is dead,
Jay Hannah
[] Test (ignore),
Jay Hannah
[] Atlassian Stash - webby git repos,
Jay Hannah
[] Telecommuting Panel for YAPC,
Sterling Hanenkamp
[] Perl is not Dead, it is a Dead End,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) - Lua!,
Jay Hannah
[] Mar 12 meeting,
Jay Hannah
[] Nebraska Huskers && Perl,
Jay Hannah
[] traceroute,
Jay Hannah
[] I snunk into Net::HTTP :),
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting tonight 7pm MOVED TO COVISCO.COM,
Jay Hannah
[] BBQ tonight?,
Jay Hannah
Message not availableMessage not availableRe: [] [odlug] BBQ tonight?,
Jay Hannah
Message not available[] April 9, May 14 meetings,
Jay Hannah
[] First CPAN Upload,
Sam Flint
[] DC-Baltimore Perl Workshop,
Jay Hannah
[] git training @ YAPC (June 3-5 in Austin),
Jay Hannah
Re: [] It's Scala week!,
Jay Hannah
[] Some Perl (etc.) talent available,
Jay Hannah
Message not available
Message not available
Re: [] Nebraska DHHS / PHINMS,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: [Kc] Telecommute Job Opportunity,
Jay Hannah
[] Upcoming meetings,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting Tue night! 7pm!,
Jay Hannah
[] What is Moe?,
Jay Hannah
[] Pizza, pop here at 7pm,
Jay Hannah
[] BioPerl Rules / Drools,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Join Planet Earths #1 Accommodations website –,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Potential Workshop Plan for the Summer,
Jay Hannah
[] Ninety-Nine Scala Problems -> Moe,
Jay Hannah
[] Call for presentations (new Omaha unconference),
Jay Hannah
[] Perl, git, etc. interviews on YouTube,
Jay Hannah
[] Moe (Scala) & Perl 6,
Jay Hannah
[] Mtg May 14!,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting tonight 7pm!,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] My first working Rails site - Bargain Stock Funds,
Jay Hannah
[] OSCON 2013 July 22-26, Portland OR,
Jay Hannah
[] Interview with our own Jay Hannah on Perl Maven,
Christopher Cashell
[] Fwd: Design for Hackers: free online class, enrollment deadline in 4 days,
Jay Hannah
[] YAPC::NA 2013, Live streaming (NOW, all week) from Austin, TX,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [olug] Call for presentations,
Jay Hannah
[] A few things I learned at YAPC,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting Tuesday night! 7pm!,
Jay Hannah
[] Jul, Aug meetings,
Jay Hannah
[] merge into OMG!Code?,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] OMG!Code meetup at the Makery,
Jay Hannah
[] Coding Across America - in Omaha! Get your tickets now,
Jay Hannah
[] website re-skin,
Jay Hannah
[] Tonight's meeting moved back 1 week,
Jay Hannah
Jay Hannah
[] One-Day Perl Workshop in Omaha?,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] One-Day Perl Workshop in Omaha,
Chris Brandstetter
[] XML history grokker,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Catalyst,
Jay Hannah
[] and meeting in Austin :),
Jay Hannah
[] cpanm git://,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] TT Version 2.25 released,
Jay Hannah
[] git merge, I love you,
Jay Hannah
[] perl 5.18.1 -- 675,316 tests OK,
Jay Hannah
[] "as a Perl script I could do it in a day ... so I fought Haskell for a couple weeks",
Jay Hannah
[] Sep 27-29: FNB $10K | BarCamp Omaha,
Jay Hannah
[] Tue Sep 10 meeting,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [OMG!Code] Preferred Perl HTML Mail library?,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Modern Perl,
Jay Hannah
[] Tue Oct 8 meeting,
Jay Hannah
Message not available
[] Meetings,
Jay Hannah
[] Modern Perl web dev - another alternative,
Jay Hannah
[] Mojo::DOM CSS selectors sure are handy,
Jay Hannah
[] Template::Alloy contexts,
Jay Hannah
[] "Make Perl Nerd Merit Badges" on @crowdtilt,
Jay Hannah
[] Processing a CSV file.,
Dan Linder
[] Tues. Nov. 5 meeting: OpenStack,
Dave Burchell
Re: [] [OMG!Code] Tues Nov. 5 meeting: OpenStack,
Jay Hannah
[] Tues. Dec 3rd Meeting - Dancer web application microframework,
Brian Edwards
[] Programmable robot suggestions for kids (12yo and 7yo),
Dan Linder
[] Tonight! 7pm - Dancer web application microframework,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl shiny rumor mongering,
Jay Hannah
[] Multiple .so's with a distributable,
Nick Wertzberger
[] Tue night meeting 7pm! Dart!,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl job in Antarctica,
Jay Hannah
[] YAPC::NA 2014 call for speakers,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] REST / Put issues with Dancer,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting! Tue Feb 25 7pm,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting! Tue, Mar 25 2014 7pm,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Simplifying Time?,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Sample HTTP interaction script.,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting tonight!,
Jay Hannah
[] Hiring polyglots (Modern Perl, Scala, etc.),
Jay Hannah
- Re: [] [OMG!Code] Hiring polyglots (Modern Perl, Scala, etc.),
Dave Burchell
- Re: [] [OMG!Code] Hiring polyglots (Modern Perl, Scala, etc.),
Dave Burchell
- Re: [] Hiring polyglots (Modern Perl, Scala, etc.),
Jay Hannah
- Re: [] Hiring polyglots (Modern Perl, Scala, etc.),
Britt Gray
- [] regex question,
Jay Hannah
- Re: [] regex question,
Britt Gray
- Re: [] Hiring polyglots (Modern Perl, Scala, etc.),
Ben Howard
- Re: [] Hiring polyglots (Modern Perl, Scala, etc.),
Mario Steele
- [] regex questions,
Jay Hannah
- Re: [] regex questions,
Jay Hannah
[] ?? Meeting tonight! wowzers,
Jay Hannah
[] May 20,
Jay Hannah
[] Jun 17 meeting?,
Jay Hannah
[] July 15: Swift! Apple's new shiny that obsoletes Objective-C,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting Tue Sep 9?,
Jay Hannah
[] Worlogog::Restart,
Jay Hannah
[] Try::Tiny declared Uncool,
Jay Hannah
[] Indirect object syntax BAD,
Jay Hannah
[] Tonight 6pm: Garager: Raspberry Pi + Ruby + Garage Door,
Jay Hannah
[] Dec 2 meeting,
Jay Hannah
[] Dec 10 2014 6:30pm - Lego League Robotics Club Field Trip!,
Jay Hannah
[] Dec 10 - Lego League Robotics Club Field Trip, Scratch, Lightning Talks,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting tonight, 7pm?,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: Online Perl courses for PM list Newbies,
Jay Hannah
[] list of basic Perl modules to install,
Cserhati, Matyas F
[] Mycoalign,
Cserhati, Matyas F
[] Jan 27 meeting,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [olug] Needed: Feb OLUG Presenter,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [OMG!Code] Jan 27 meeting - Elevator Saga hack night (Javascript),
Jay Hannah
[] "reply" - REPL for Perl,
Jay Hannah
[] [OLUG] Feb 3 6:30: What's new in Perl?,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: [olug] February 2015 OLUG Meeting - Tue Feb 3 2015, 6:30 PM,
Jay Hannah
[] Feb 24 - tmux/vim hacker workshop!,
Jay Hannah
[] Demoted IRC, promoted Slack,
Jay Hannah
[] Top Perl GitHub developers in Omaha,
Jay Hannah
[] Meeting tonight?,
Jay Hannah
[] Apr 21 7pm meeting,
Jay Hannah
[] Fwd: [YAPC::NA Announce] Schedule and Master classes online,
Jay Hannah
[] Catalyst survey,
Jay Hannah
[] My first meeting,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] [OMG!Code] Next OMG!Code: R Lightning Talks,
Jay Hannah
[] Tupper's self-referential formula,
Jay Hannah
[] YAPC::NA 2015 videos,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Sectioning up the Omaha City Council Journal.. - Google Groups,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl and Go training in Omaha by Dave Rolsky,
Jay Hannah
[] July 14th meeting?,
Jay Hannah
[] Aug 11 meeting? Thursday @ Agape Red,
Jay Hannah
[] Tonight 6pm: Hierarchical data in relational databases... SoEasy!,
Jay Hannah
[] Nov 3 meeting?,
Jay Hannah
[] Hello Perl Gurus,
Paul Hanson
[] Meeting tonight 7pm?,
Jay Hannah
[] Perl6 meeting(s)?,
Jay Hannah
[] Tue Jan 26 meeting,
Jay Hannah
[] Jay's moving. New leader? Disband?,
Jay Hannah
Re: [] Omaha-pm Digest, Vol 141, Issue 1,
Tomas Hood, NW7US
[] Domain "" available if anyone wants it,
Jay Hannah
[] Presenting PRI TIF (hey look, its #perl),
Jay Hannah
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