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Re: [Omaha.pm] ignoring undefined subroutines

On Sep 7, 2004, at 3:33 PM, Terry wrote:
Thanks Jay, worked fine.  Thinking outside the box with regards to
scripting isn't on my resume for a good reason.

"I think I'm going to need a bigger box." -- Taco Bell Chihuaha

AUTOLOAD is very slick. You can program anything you want to have happen if an undefined sub/method is called. Like if you had 10 header_xxx sub/methods that were almost all exactly the same, you could use AUTOLOAD to call a single, central sub/method, passing in an argument for the tweak (instead of having to explicitly declare 10 sub/methods)... See "perldoc perltoot".

Looks like this would work for you too?

   &{"header_$who"} if (defined &{"header_$who"});

My test:

[jhannah-mac:~] jhannah% cat j.pl

my @subs = qw( one two three );

foreach (@subs) {
   &$_ if (defined &$_);
sub one { print "1\n"; }
sub three { print "3\n"; }

[jhannah-mac:~] jhannah% ./j.pl

