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[Omaha.pm] I am such a geek #2
Wow. Another one. Am I evolving or devolving?
-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Hannah
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 12:24 PM
To: Richard Tudgay
Subject: RE: Call me about SNA
From: Richard Tudgay
> HIS Trip in April
What's SNA?
SNA System of National Accounts *****
SNA System Network Architecture *****
SNA Syndicat National ****
SNA Saba Netherlands Antilles ****
SNA Student Nurses Association ****
SNA State Natural Area ****
SNA Sub Network Access ****
SNA Sine Nomine Associates ****
SNA Sistema Nacional ****
SNA Sindacato Nazionale Agenti ****
SNA Sympathetic Nerve Activity ***
SNA Somali National Alliance ***
SNA Sveriges Nationalatlas ***
SNA Singapore Nurses Association ***
SNA S Network Architecture ***
SNA Special Needs Assistant ***
SNA Support NetWare ***
SNA Supporting National ***
SNA Servicio Nacional ***
SNA Symantec Norton Antivirus ***
SNA State Nurses Associations ***
SNA Scientific and Natural Area ***
SNA Scientific and Natural Areas ***
SNA Suburban Newspapers of America ***
SNA Student Nurse Association ***
SNA Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications ***
SNA State Natural Areas ***
SNA Sikh Naujawan Academy ***
SNA Safety Net Assistance ***
SNA Special Needs Assistants ***
SNA Sandnessjoen Norway ***
SNA Shrine of North America ***
SNA Social Networking Applications ***
SNA Significant Natural Areas ***
SNA Sangeet Natak Akademi ***
SNA Studiul National ***
SNA Seldovia Native Association ***
SNA Society of North America ***
SNA Significant National ***
SNA Scalar Network Analyzer **
SNA Sacramento Network Access **
SNA Statement of Non availability **
SNA Security Network of America **
SNA Special Network Access **
SNA Simple Network Architecture **
SNA Systems and Network Administration **
SNA Society of Naval Architects **
SNA System Network Administrator **
SNA Suong Nguyet Anh **
SNA Sinus Node Artery **
SNA spanish north africa **
SNA Sheffield Neighborhood Association **
SNA Systems Network Administration **
SNA Safety Net Adjustment **
SNA State Nursing Associations **
SNA Student Naval Aviators **
SNA Satellite Navigation Applications **
SNA School Nurse Association **
SNA Spence Neighbourhood Association **
SNA SchoolNet Namibia **
SNA Spence Neighborhood Association **
SNA Servite Nostrum Animus **
SNA Software Network Architecture **
SNA System Network Administrators **
SNA Sociedad Nacional Agraria **
SNA SPX NetBIOS AppleTalk **
SNA statements of non availability **
SNA Swiss Narcolepsy Association **
SNA Switch Network Application **
SNA Southport Neighbors Association **
SNA Somalia National Alliance **
SNA State Nodal Agencies **
SNA Streamlined Network Accelerated **
SNA Sangeet Natak Academy **
SNA Simon N Anthony **
SNA Strategic Nuclear Arms **
SNA Special Needs Alliance **
SNA Service National Actif **
SNA Salomon North America **
SNA Secretariado Nacional **
SNA Systems and Network Architecture **
SNA Sambucus Nigra Agglutinin *
SNA Sierra Nevada Alliance *
SNA Student Nurse Associations *
SNA Studies in Numerical Analysis *
SNA Services Northland *
SNA Short Number Addressing *
SNA Smithsonian National Air *
SNA System Networks Architecture *
SNA SEBAL North America *
SNA Swaziland Nurses Association *
SNA System Network Architekture *
SNA Saturday Night Alternative *
SNA Secretaria Nacional Antidrogas *
SNA Sheet Non Adhesive *
SNA Skiing in North America *
SNA Stichting Neptune Association *
SNA Stock for 4 No Account *
SNA Summit Neighborhood Association *
SNA Saturday Night Assault *
SNA Swaziland National Association *
SNA System on National Accounts *
SNA Satellite Navigation Application *
SNA straight nipple a *
SNA System for Nuclear Auxiliary *
SNA Saldo No Ajustado *
SNA Saturday Night Adventures *
SNA Selected National Account *
SNA Slovenian National Assembly *
SNA Sree Narayana Association *
SNA Student Nursing Assistant *
SNA Scala North America *
SNA Shaping Network Assembly *
SNA South Naknek Alaska *
SNA Save Newstead Abbey *
SNA Sedgwick North America *
SNA Significance to Native Americans *
SNA Significant New Allegations *
SNA Sonoma Narcotics Anonymous *
SNA South Nilandhe Atoll *
SNA Spatial Network Analysis *
SNA Species Native to the Area *
SNA Steinberg North America *
SNA Stulz of North America *
SNA Sweden Nerikes Allehanda *
SNA Swing Net America *
SNA System for the North Atlantic *
SNA Szeto Nigel Autobiography