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[Omaha.pm] Grab all of a specific node out of huge XML files

Wow. Perl rocks.



Given a bunch of humongous XML files called pay*, grab all the <RatePlan> tags.


$ perl -lne '/(<RatePlan .*?>)/ && print $1' pay* | head
<RatePlan RatePlanID="BAR" EffectiveDate="2008-01-05" ExpireDate="2008-01-07">
<RatePlan RatePlanID="BAR" EffectiveDate="2008-01-05" ExpireDate="2008-01-07">
<RatePlan RatePlanID="BAR" EffectiveDate="2008-01-05" ExpireDate="2008-01-07">
<RatePlan RatePlanID="BAR" EffectiveDate="2008-12-20" ExpireDate="2008-12-21">
<RatePlan RatePlanID="BAR" EffectiveDate="2007-12-20" ExpireDate="2007-12-21">
<RatePlan RatePlanID="BAR" EffectiveDate="2007-12-20" ExpireDate="2007-12-21">
<RatePlan RatePlanCode="GCORP">
<RatePlan RatePlanCode="GCORP">
<RatePlan RatePlanCode="GCORP">
<RatePlan RatePlanCode="GCORP">

(You might need to add /m for multi-line matching in case your files wrap.)