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[Omaha.pm] Fwd: [odynug] August 12: Git by Sam Tesla

Our next meeting. Come on down!

   Omaha Perl Mongers

And don't forget Bar Camp Omaha!

   Aug 15-17


Begin forwarded message:
From: "Blaine Buxton" <btbuxton@gmail.com>
Date: August 10, 2008 7:37:32 PM CDT
To: odynug <odynug@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [odynug] August 12: Git by Sam Tesla
Reply-To: odynug@googlegroups.com

Remember the good ole days when all you have to worry about was CVS? Remember all the lost data and cursing at it? Subversion came along and made us a bit happier, but again, it has its warts as well. Could git be the answer to where CVS failed? Certainly, it brings a lot to the table and nice features. Sam will show us why Git is important, how it will never forget, and how it keeps tracks without a central repository.

Sam Tesla is going to go into depth of Git and let us know the ins and outs. This should be one hell of a talk and not to be missed.

Free pizza and new ideas will be served. Come one, come all! Here's the specifics:


Meeting location is UNO's Peter Kiewit Institute (PKI) building
1110 South 67th Street
Omaha, NEAugust 12, 7pm-9pm
Blaine Buxton
Sorcerer Of Digital Construction