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Re: [Omaha.pm] framework shell shock?

2011/3/28 Dan Linder <dan@linder.org>
Unfortunately, I'm still old-school CGI with external processes, and an OO newb, so I couldn't really wrap my head around the tutorials that the Catalyst team put together (http://search.cpan.org/~zarquon/Catalyst-Manual-5.8005/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial.pod).

You might prefer to take a look at just bolting on to PSGI and Plack, then. They give CGI a much needed face lift.


For example, the PSGI Hello World app is:

my $app = sub { [ 200, [ 'Content-type' => 'text/plain ], [ 'Hello World!' ] ] };

I've just implemented a git-based wiki for myself building a framework for myself using Plack and Path::Router. 

For myself, I tend to think of Catalyst at doing too much that I don't usually use (chained dispatch), but not really providing enough (model and view agnostic) to justify using it. That's not to say it's a bad framework, just not my preference.

Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp