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Re: [Omaha.pm] Help with File::Find

Mike Hostetler wrote:
I'm sorry -- I didn't mean File::Find was bad--   I was referring to the
script I have to refactor!!

I've used File::Find before, actually, but I just need to get all the files
so it was easy. I didn't really have to write a function that did any
filtering on them.

Ahh. If the File::Find documentation could be better, that too would be a chance to stage a violent overthrow of the current CPAN author(s) (if any)... -laugh- (I'm just trying to incite some drama.)

I agree with Andy that you can't (shouldn't) *change* an established module's interface, even if it looks clunky with 2008 eyeballs, but there's no harm in adding helper methods to make hardish things easier (internally using the same guts)...

Since I don't think I've ever used File::Find, I'll shut up now.  :)
