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[Omaha.pm] database -> XML
Wow. It's amazing to me how tight this code is. I'm getting the job done
with almost zero overhead!
Thanks Perl and CPAN!! (and especially XML::Twig and Class::Date in
this snippet)
(Yes, I know a couple globals float magically into the sub. Yes I know
that's bad.)
=head2 add_lostbiz
Add the lostbiz section to the XML document.
sub add_lostbiz {
my ($root) = @_;
my $lostbiz = XML::Twig::Elt->new('lostbiz');
$lostbiz->paste(last_child => $root) or die;
# res_transact.room_cat is actually storing adult_qty. See our data
my $strsql = <<EOT;
last_mod_when, wrap_up_reason, tran_source, arrival_date,
depart_date, room_cat_code,
rate_cat, room_cat adult_qty, rate_tohigh_amt
FROM res_transact
WHERE prop = '$prop'
and transaction_type != "R"
and wrap_up_reason >= 199
and wrap_up_reason < 599
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($strsql);
my @row;
while (@row = $sth->fetchrow) {
for (@row) { s/\s+$// }
my ($time, $type, $src, $doa, $depart_date, $rt, $seg, $gcnt,
$exprrev) = @row;
$time =~ s/[- :]//g;
$doa = Control::DateTime->new($doa);
$depart_date = Control::DateTime->new($depart_date);
my $los = ($depart_date - $doa)->day;
$rt = $xref->roomcat_xref(
prop => $prop,
crs_roomcat => $rt,
$seg = $xref->ratecat_xref(
crs_ratecat => $seg,
my $elt = XML::Twig::Elt->new( loss => {
time => $time,
type => $xref->wrap_up_reason($type),
src => $src,
doa => $doa->format("%Y%m%d"),
los => $los,
rt => $rt,
seg => $seg,
cas => "N",
gcnt => $gcnt,
exprrev => sprintf("%0.2f", $exprrev * $los),
$elt->paste(last_child => $lostbiz) or die;
<revolutiondata asof="20070420151810" hotel="TUSNTL" seq="1" ver="1.50">
<loss cas="N" doa="20070520" exprrev="158.00" gcnt="2" los="2"
rt="DELUXE" seg="11" src="OMNIREZ-PH" time="20070420092525" type="RR"/>
<loss cas="N" doa="20070523" exprrev="338.00" gcnt="2" los="2"
rt="DELUXE" seg="07" src="TUSNTL-PH" time="20070420111725" type="RR"/>
<loss cas="N" doa="20070607" exprrev="345.00" gcnt="1" los="3"
rt="DELUXE" seg="09" src="OMNIREZ-PH" time="20070420132059" type="RR"/>
<loss cas="N" doa="20070503" exprrev="480.00" gcnt="2" los="3"
rt="DELUXE" seg="09" src="OMNIREZ-PH" time="20070420132407" type="RR"/>
<loss cas="N" doa="20070503" exprrev="480.00" gcnt="2" los="3"
rt="DELUXE" seg="09" src="OMNIREZ-PH" time="20070420133025" type="RR"/>