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Re: [Omaha.pm] [OMG!Code] Dec 2 meeting

Thanks Dave,

Here's a few references:
- Gogs.io - self-hosted git that's easy to set up and upgrade. Missing some features, has some bugs (deployment keys), but it's easy to set up, which is why I'm using it.
- CoreOS + fleetd - Demoes CoreOS, Etcd, and Fleetd working together. This will look familiar, because it's largely what I ripped my material off from.
- CoreOS updates - how they work (like Chrome updates, but scary if you're not prepared)
- cloud-config.yaml used to spin up the coreos instance on digital ocean.
- ticker.X.service used for systemd and for fleetd.

I used digital ocean to spin up VMs and spin them down. Cost me almost nothing to do that. I've had spotty luck with their network latency or packet loss (not sure which), but it's cheap. If you're interested, here's a referral code. You get $10 credit, and I get $25. So... use it if you want, or don't and go use AWS or Linode. Doesn't matter that much to me.

On Tue Dec 02 2014 at 11:06:08 PM David Knaack <davidknaack@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks to James for what ended up being a couple hours of walk-through on those topics, great information!

On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 5:09 PM, James Harr <james.harr@gmail.com> wrote:

Space is open now

For lightning talks I can spend a few minutes on each of these.
- Gogs (go git service)
- syetemd, it's coming like a freight train and that's a good thing.
- CoreOS, maybe I can half ass my way around fleetd a bit

Very brief talks.

On Mon, Dec 1, 2014, 12:26 PM Jay Hannah <jay@jays.net> wrote:
Any takers? More lightning talks?  :)

Can a key holder confirm they'll be attending?


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