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[Omaha.pm] Pod::Tree - .pm files w/ no POD?
Hi Steve --
I just discovered pods2html. Very cool!
We have a lot of .pm files that do have POD, and even more .pm files that don't have POD. Unfortunately, the no POD .pm files do create an (empty) .html file, and are added to the index.
So, I'm running the following hack:
pods2html /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/Omni /home/jhannah/public_html
# It would be neat to use the pods2html option
# --index "Omni POD Archive"
# but the .pm's w/ no POD end up in the index, which is annoying.
# Nuke out all the no POD .html's which have been created. They're all
# 95 bytes.
find ./ -size 95c -exec rm {} \;
I noticed you're also the author of Pod::Tree, so I just thought I'd send this to you, wondering if you'd want a patch to Pod::Tree::has_pod() which would (optionally?) return false if the .pm file didn't actually have any POD in it...? Then I guess an option would have to be added to pods2html as well to pass that in?
Or is my idea stupid and/or not worth the time to worry about?
(First I played with Pod::Tree::PerlPod, which seems to create the same phenomenon. I'm unclear about the differences between Pod::Tree::PerlPod and pods2html...)
(Incidentally, I'm also the group leader of the Omaha Perl Mongers http://omaha.pm.org)
Jay Hannah
Director of Development
Omni Hotels Reservation Center
Tel: (402) 952-6573
Mobile: (402) 578-3976
Email: jhannah@omnihotels.com
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