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Re: [Omaha.pm] Pulling data from a crappy MS-SQL server somewhere in Mexico...

I am trying to do something very similar.  Would you be interesdted in helping me.  I could possibly pay you for your time (i.e beer, gift cert. donation to fav charity, cash).  I have a sql2000 database I would like to access via perl DBD::ODBC (or DBD::Sybase I suppose).  I installed Freetds and am able to access the database with the tsql command line client  But I am having trouble with my perl app accessing it.  I am sure it is all the wierd freetds.conf, odbc.ini stuff.  Let me know if you can help.  I could provide you with ssh/vnc access to my box.
Todd 660-2787

On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 4:16 PM, Jay Hannah <jay@jays.net> wrote:
It's nice to know that with enough retries and error handling, you can,
eventually pull data from a bad server over a terrible network
connection...  :)

Perl in Omaha <-> DBI <-> DBD::Sybase <-> freetds <-> MS-SQL in Mexico



  my $sth = $dbh_pms->prepare($strsql);
  for (1..50) {
     if ($sth->execute) {
     } else {
        $logger->warn("Database error detected (attempt # $_). Waiting
3 seconds, then retrying: $DBI::errstr");
        $sth = $dbh_pms->prepare($strsql);
        sleep 3;

Omaha-pm mailing list

Todd Christopher Hamilton
(402) 660-2787