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Re: [Omaha.pm] [OMG!Code] Meeting tonight!
On Sep 9, 2015, at 8:10 AM, Michael Kolakowski <mkolakow@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm pretty busy atm with moving back and such, but I'd still be interested in this group. It would seem a shame for the perl mongers to die! I might be able to talk a bit about Groovy sometime. Would be interested in seeing more on modern perl stuffs.
The Omaha Perl Mongers will never die, as long as I'm in town. :)
If OMG!Code interest ever wanes Omaha Perl Mongers will simply pack up and move to another umbrella group that's friendly to all languages (e.g. http://www.meetup.com/Omaha-Ruby-Meetup/) -- this week I'm presenting at both OMG!Code TONIGHT and Omaha Ruby and Open Source on Thursday. It's open source, but not Perl, but I still do Perl for a living, so I'm still defacto Perl Mongers leader... :)
See you tonight at OMG!Code! This quad copter open source software stuff is pretty amazing! :)