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[Omaha.pm] "Command-Line Bioinformatics"

Reading this article:
Sequencing the SARS Virus - Linux Journal, Nov 2003

This guy needs Perl and/or BioPerl.  :)

The sequence file is in FASTA format consisting of a header line and the sequence, split into fixed-width lines. The following counts the number of Gs and Cs in the sequence and presents the total as a fraction of the total number of bases:

> grep -v "^>" AY274119.fa | fold -w 1 |
tr "ATGC" "..xx" | sort | uniq -c |
sed 's/[^0-9]//g' | t -s "\012" " " |
sed 's/\([0-9]*\) \([0-9]*\)/scale = 3;
↪\2 \/ (\1+\2)/' |
bc -i
scale = 3; 12127 / (17624+12127)

Out of the 29,751 bases in our sequence, 12,127 are either G or C, giving a GC content of 41%.

BioPerl version:

use Bio::SeqIO;
my $io = Bio::SeqIO->new(
  -file   => 'AY274119.fa',
  -format => 'Fasta'
my $seq = $io->next_seq->seq;
print ( ($seq =~ tr/GC/GC/) / length ($seq) );

Command-line Perl:

perl -e '$/ = undef; $_ = <>; s/>.*//; s/\n//g; print tr/GC/GC/ / length($_)' AY274119.fa

I'm sure you can Perl Golf my stabs at it.  :)
