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[Omaha.pm] "MongoDB is web scale"

Warning: Lots of course language in these videos.

A little over-the-top humor as I continue to embrace NoSQL for new projects where aggregation performance isn't important:

   http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/6995033/    :)

This is a direct take off the now-classic "iPhone4 vs. HTC Evo":


Yes, I bought an HTC Evo partly due to that video.     :)

On Oct 19, 2010, at 10:15 AM, Glen VanMilligan wrote:
> The python library stuff installed correctly.  I was able to create a couple of entries in a mongodb table.

Glen: We should do a little demo on odlug.org where I read/write MongoDB data in Perl (Catalyst) while you read/write the same data in Python. (Looks like the drivers use BSON, a "binary-encoded serialization of JSON-like documents." http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/BSON)

Jay Hannah
Software Architect
jhannah@mutationgrid.com | http://mutationgrid.com | 1-402-598-7782