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Re: [Omaha.pm] Fishing for GUI ideas...
On Dec 3, 2008, at 5:41 AM, Rob Townley wrote:
Viral, Bacterial and ¿ribosomal? dna are usually in a circle.
Normal human, but not mitochondrial DNA is a line.
When i did research, most molecular biologists were only interested in
circular dna because anything else was too big. Of course the human
genetic code has been broken since then. It may not matter at all to
your users...
Ya. Whether or not they were looking at circular DNA our GUI would
flatten it (as many tools do).
When i taught C++, a geneticist and i toyed with a circular rna
explorer like interface using a cross platform gui toolkit application
for the Mac and Windows.
Oh? Did it survive? What's the name of that project?
On a tangent, i was wondering if svg could make it easier to do a
circle. Scalable Vector Graphics defined in XML, maybe too much
Or, using svg to make a line like interface similar to a disk
defragging gui.
Well, sidestepping the whole circular thing is my plan, so I don't
have to deal with it. I'd be very impressed if any SVG renderer could
scale up to thousands of base pairs without choking horribly. :)
Status update: Mario added an Javascripty (almost AJAXy) scroll bar
to our tool: