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[Omaha.pm] Gedcom.pm - searching for a path from person A to person X?

Hi Paul --

I've got a little over 4000 people in my GEDCOM


I'm also a Perl hacker, and was playing with your Gedcom.pm and wondering if you have any logic to find paths from arbitrary points in GEDCOMs to other arbitrary points.

Something like

The path from INDI 0012 to INDI 1077:

Start: INDI 0012
Father: INDI 0078
Mother: INDI 1032
Married: INDI 1999
Daughter: INDI 1066
Married: INDI 0887
Son: INDI 1077

Once you found the path, of course, you could make it as pretty as you wanted to, Names, dates, etc.

Does such a thing exist? If not, do you have any thoughts about how I might right it? Any interest in this being a plugin to Gedcom.pm? Gedcom::Search or something?

