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[Omaha.pm] Less is more

I am was trying to get this done in one line, just for the heck of it.
I need the modification time of a file referenced by $file ($file
contains the path and filename of the file).

@filedate = localtime((stat($file))[9]);
($month,$day,$year) = split(/\//,strftime("%D",@filedate));

But I can't seem to put localtime in place of @filedate:

($month,$day,$year) =

Gives me: Type of arg 2 to Date::Format::strftime must be array (not

So I tried to make localtime() return as an array, and here is where I'm
not so sure as to what I'm doing.

I tried this:

($month,$day,$year) =

And this:

($month,$day,$year) =

Which didn't work either.  What am I doing wrong?
