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RE: [Omaha.pm] Converting an array of strings into a scalar
Two ideas:
1. $body = join(undef,@filecontents);
2. If @filecontents originally came from a file handle then you can just read it in "slurp mode" (see 'perldoc perlvar' for $/):
undef $/;
-----Original Message-----
From: omaha-pm-bounces@pm.org [mailto:omaha-pm-bounces@pm.org]On Behalf
Of Ryan Stille
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 11:00 AM
To: omaha-pm@pm.org
Subject: [Omaha.pm] Converting an array of strings into a scalar
I have an array of lines, each one containing a newline character at the
end. I want to convert this to a scalar variable that I will pass on to
something else.
I was using
$body = "@filecontents";
But that ends up adding a space to the beginning of each line except the
first one. So I changed it to this:
$body = '';
foreach $line (@filecontents) {
$body .= $line;
But I wonder if there is a more elegant way?
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