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Re: [Omaha.pm] perl -MDBI -e 'DBI->installed_versions'

On Aug 9, 2005, at 11:45 AM, Daniel Linder wrote:
Upgrading perl, DBI, DBDs to latest stable... wish me luck

So, do you do the DBI first, then the DBDs, or the reverse? Or is there a
CPAN module function that does the upgrade of all pieces together?

From scratch you build/install DBI, DBD dependencies, then the DBD. For upgrades you can piecemeal them. Usually DBDs support DBIs 2 or more years old, so you usually aren't forced to upgrade quickly.

When I'm motivated to upgrade anything I usually shoot the moon, though, just to make sure "latest stable" works across the board. This last round started because I thought an upgrade might disperse some weirdness that showed up w/ a fetchrow_hashref() call we were doing. Yup, it worked.
