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Re: [Omaha.pm] Jays back referencing substitution code...or the tangled ugliness of nested parens in reg expressions...or 'HEY YA'LL WATCH THIS!!!'


I'm not sure what real code you're accusing me of writing, but to figure
out $1, $2, $3, simply count the left parens from left to right. The
first left paren is $1, the second is $2, etc.



-----Original Message-----
From: Trey Bianchini 
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 10:31 AM
To: Sean Baker; Justin Esbenshade; Jay Hannah
Subject: Jays back referencing substitution code...or the tangled
ugliness of nested parens in reg expressions...or 'HEY YA'LL WATCH

echo "J,A,J,B,J,C" | perl -ne ' $_=~m/((J(,A,J),(B)),((J),C))/; print
"one:$1\ntwo:$2\nthree:$3\nfour:$4\nfive:$5\nsix:$6\n" ';


It Seems that they are assigned to placeholder variables starting with
the outermost parens and then going left to right, unesting them
completely before moving to the next leftmost pair.....