Anyone dying to move to suburb SW of Kansas City? :) j -------- Original Message --------
Just spoke with the client. Recognizing that
Gentran is very hard
to find, the client is approaching from another angle Heavy UNIX PERL Scripting
with desire to learn EDI (good skill set to learn!) Needs to be ready to start out in Gardner KS
as early as possible next week
- client
has 1 week to cross train this candidate before they lose their
resource. Several of their
programmers have left for other jobs and
they’ve reached a critical point NEED: EDI Developer on
UNIX midrange Using
Gentran Software for
their EDI Scripting
capabilities LOCATION: BILL RATE: probably
around $65/hour – We will
inform them of the pricing we’re seeing and if we need to raise, we
raise TIMING: Need someone to
start next Monday as they have 1
week transition period
before their last resource # of openings –
ultimately they need to hire two people. If this first resource is
career contractor, they are fine with that as they need a body in the
ASAP for the transition. Then we’d have time to fill the to-hire
openings next. Thanks Bill joeckel