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[Omaha.pm] Fwd: Conference Season Continues



From: "Perl.com Newsletter" <elists-admin@oreillynet.com>
Date: February 15, 2008 3:59:00 PM CST
To: <jay@jays.net>
Subject: Conference Season Continues
Reply-To: "Perl.com Newsletter" <elists-admin@oreillynet.com>

Perl.com update
The Email for www.perl.com Subscribers


Read this newsletter online at:
http://oreillynet.com/perl/newsletters/021508-perl-news.html?CMP=NLC- otx_nlrs_2html


Greetings, Perl hackers. You're reading the Perl Newsletter, a quick and
easy piece of mail sent out approximately every other week dedicated to
keeping you from having to scour the Internet for Perl News yourself (and possessing a little bit more irreverence than your feed reader can manage
by itself).

* Perl News

Several people have assorted pieces of data on job trends and employee
searches from various parts of the world. Analyzing your favorite language
with that data gives an interesting perspective on how many people use
Perl and where:

http://blog.timbunce.org/2008/02/12/comparative-language-job-trend- graphs/

Reini Urban announced the desire to resurrect the long-abandoned Perl
compiler which p5p removed from Perl 5.10. Here's the current progress:


Jerry Gay announced the beginnings of a perl6doc application written for
Rakudo Perl (Perl 6 running on Parrot). You can help too! It's easy:


Jonathan Worthington described his progress in adding object, role, and
regular expression support to Rakudo. This code will be part of the
Parrot release (and the Rakudo binary built from "make perl6") next week:


If you use rt.cpan.org to look for bugs in CPAN modules, you may have
noticed that its responsiveness has improved recently. Thanks, Best

http://news.perlfoundation.org/2008/02/ rtcpanorg_speed_improvements_i.html

Andy Lester riffed on an idea mentioned by Bugzilla hacker Max K-A,
specifically about the gyrations the Perl 5 parser has to go through to
make indirect object notation work. Don't know what that is? Here's why
you should avoid it:


If you find yourself in the Chicago area in April, you can learn all
about Catalyst, Test Driven Development, or even learn Perl from
Stonehenge Consulting:


The YAPC::Asia crew has announced that their conference will take place
in Tokyo on May 15 and 16. Your editor recommends taking some sort of
subway somewhere:


Then make your way to the western edge of Europe for the Portugese Perl
Workshop on June 6 and 7, in Braga, Portugal. Rumor says that the good
beer is 80p a glass:


Michael Schwern has made Perl 5 Y2K38 safe. What's Y2K38? A good year for
mortgage payments:


David Landgren summarized the activities on Perl 5 Porters:


Your editor minuted the Perl 6 design meetings:


* Perl at O'Reilly

If presenting data is the fundamental goal of an application, presenting
only the right data to the right people in the right conditions is the
first modifier of that goal. Allowing proper operation while restricting
improper operation will keep your data and users safe and secure.
Implementing proper access control is a simple matter of programming, if
you understand the principles of how it works. Vladi
Belperchinov-Shabanski explains how to think about limiting private data
and operations to the appropriate users:


Your editor described annoyance-driven development, particularly in the
context of long-running test suites:

http://www.oreillynet.com/onlamp/blog/2008/02/ what_you_test_changes_how_you.html

... and wondered about the multiple facets of the word "scalable":


Curtis Poe explained why everyone who writes object-oriented code should
care about the Liskov Substitution Principle:

http://www.oreillynet.com/onlamp/blog/2008/02/ the_liskov_substitution_princi.html

That's it for this fortnight. Remember, tomorrow is the monthly
Parrot/Rakudo new contributor day in #parrot on irc.perl.org, so help us
finish Perl 6 and get it installed and passing tests on your system!

Next time, a new look at templating,

- c
editor Perl.com, et al