Jay Hannah wrote:On Nov 10, 2005, at 1:15 PM, Dave Cross wrote:I haven't seen anyone objecting to the plan.$0.02 --I guess it doesn't matter, but I have a mild emotional/historical attachment to the camel and the onion means nothing* to me. Since I've never seen any argument for leaving the camel all I see is a change for the sake of change, a phenom I routinely resist. If there's an argument somewhere I'd like to read it.Anyway I won't denounce Perl/TPF/PM over it or cry or anything.The main argument is that the camel doesn't belong to us. It belongs to O'Reilly. And whilst they've always been generous allowing us to use it, that has permission has always come with restrictions. Makes far more sense, to me at least, to create our own logo that we can use wherever we want.Is there a huge soft copy of that onion logo somewhere? I don't see a link to one on TPF website.Let me check that out and get back to you. Dave...