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[Omaha.pm] Tripwire "Replacement" In Perl

Hey Guys,

Not sure if there'll be any interest or not, but figured I'd throw this out there anyways.

I was bored this week and needed something to do integrity checks on my servers, something Tripwire-esque but more lightweight. For those not in the know about Tripwire it's a company and piece of software that lets you basically create a series of hashes and monitor if anything on the system changes in comparison with these hashes. This is quite useful as generally when files change that are in areas critical to the system (/bin, /sbin, etc) it means the system binaries have been replaced by rootkit binaries. This system has, at least in my experience, been a pain to setup and configure. So I decided to replace it.

With a little Perl-fu and some help from a useful utility called mtree comes CamelTrap. Feedback is welcome, so if you're interested in giving some or just trying it out you can grab it from http://travis.travisbsd.org/pfiles/CamelTrap.tar

It requires mtree, Term::ReadKey, and of course Perl.

There's a brief README explaining usage, I'll shutup and let it explain the rest so I don't flood your inboxes anymore than I already have!

Best Regards,