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[Omaha.pm] ack '\-\>Promotion'

Wow! ack is awesome!

People have been telling me this for years, but I was getting along OK with my old school Unix craziness:

$ find ./ | grep -v svn | xargs grep '\-\>Promotion'

But today I couldn't get that working. Something with xargs escaping of -> just refused to fly.

So I installed ack and ran it:

# cpan App::Ack
$ ack '\-\>Promotion'

And it found what I was looking for with zero fuss!

335:      $self->Promotion($promo_hash);

2844:      $c->log->debug("you have these PromotionCode's already: " . (join ", ", keys %{$sg->Promotion}));
2846:      unless ($sg->Promotion->{$preauth}) {

Holy buckets! That is AWESOME! Thanks Andy!
