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RE: [Omaha.pm] Converting an array of strings into a scalar
--- Andrew.Hadenfeldt@alltel.com wrote:
> Two ideas:
> 1. $body = join(undef,@filecontents);
Untested, but I'd worry about that undef generating a warning,
so I suggest:
$body = join("", @filecontents);
> 2. If @filecontents originally came from a file handle then you can just
> read it in "slurp mode" (see 'perldoc perlvar' for $/):
> open(FH,"blah");
> {
> local($/);
> undef $/;
> $body=<FH>;
> }
Shorter is:
my $body = do { local $/; <FH> };
See: http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=50532
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