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[Omaha.pm] Fwd: UG News: Free to Choose Your Cookbook - Ebook Deal of the Day - $9.99 Each

Wow. Today only... a pretty great deal



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From: "Marsee Henon & Jon Johns" <usergroups@oreilly.com>
Date: September 15, 2010 2:22:38 AM CDT
Subject: UG News: Free to Choose Your Cookbook - Ebook Deal of the Day - $9.99 Each

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$9.99 Exclusive "Ebook Deal of the Day"
Choose Your Own Cookbook

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RESTful Web Services Cookbook
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CSS Cookbook
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bash Cookbook
bash Cookbook
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Flex 4 Cookbook
Flex 4 Cookbook
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Cooking for Geeks
Cooking for Geeks
Was: $27.99
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Python Cookbook
Python Cookbook
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Windows PowerShell Cookbook, Second Edition
Windows PowerShell
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