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Re: [Omaha.pm] Pulling in a hash via "exec"...FAIL

On Aug 6, 2008, at 8:03 PM, Dan Linder wrote:
When I'm able to re-write the entire system I'll look at that. :-)

"The entire system?" Here's my Storable version of what you posted to the list today:

$ cat j.pl
use Storable;

my $fields = {
   'FIELD1' => {
      FIRSTNAME => 'Joe',
      LASTNAME => 'Smith'

# Write to disk:
store $fields, 'myfile.txt';

# Destroy memory version:
undef $fields;

# Restore from disk:
$fields = retrieve('myfile.txt');

# Show that it worked:
printf("%s %s\n", $fields->{FIELD1}->{FIRSTNAME}, $fields->{FIELD1}-> {LASTNAME});

$ perl j.pl
Joe Smith

All done...?
