Jay Hannah wrote:
On Aug 7, 2007, at 3:14 PM, Ryan Stille wrote:Perhaps we can talk with Blane tonight about changing the date of theDYNLUG meetings? Here are some other user groups meeting dates (to workaround):http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=689bo9l4k74mu9unjbqtnulpn0% 40group.calendar.google.comIs that the same as the "Omaha User Groups Google Calendar" on our wiki? http://omaha.pm.org/kwiki/index.cgi?OmahaUserGroups Or is your link a different Google Calendar?For whatever reason the link that is currently on our wiki stopped working for me. I don't know if its just me or what. The error Google throws at me is very odd.j
Yea its the same calendar. I see the link in the Wiki is not working... G Calendar is in beta, maybe they changed the format of those URLs. I've updated the Wiki to use the new URL.
Rob Townley wrote:
Yea, thats where I got my info for the Google calendar. The problem with the ITinOmaha site is that I have to check it! I use Google for all my calendaring, so this way I always see the upcoming events. If anyone uses google calendar, you can add in the ItInOmaha events by using this URL:ITinOmaha.org is a good one
http://www.google.com/calendar/render?cid=689bo9l4k74mu9unjbqtnulpn0%40group.calendar.google.comActually Jay, *thats* the URL that used to be on the Wiki... I just tried it and it worked for me. That URL should prompt you to add the ITinOmaha events to your calendar. The other URL just displays the events on an HTML page.