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[Omaha.pm] Introductory message ... and already I need help!

  I just joined with the expectation that I might find someone here in the 
Omaha area who I could hire to develop a fairly complex app for tracking 
recordings of phrases, parsing and refining scripts, building a database, 
presenting a user interface of some sort, and constructing a delivery 
system which can pluck phrases from the database, concatenate them, name 
the resulting files, and send them out the door.

  Sounds daunting, and it doesn't help that as an IT guy tryin' to 'splain 
it I make one helluva recording engineer.  But I think it can be 
modularized and built up over time.  I'm inclined to specify perl for its 
flexibility with strings and its ability to play well with other utility 
apps the jobs require.  The platform we're on is Mac OS X.

  I'm at the stage where I need the first module of this project right 
away.  I thought I'd take a stab at coding it myself, but the last time I 
did any coding was 6 or 8 years ago, and I don't have the time to re-learn 
everything from the ground up.  On top of which, I wasn't very good at it 
to begin with (I may have been bad, but I was sure slow!).

  The first module is fairly simple and straightforward (well... for anyone 
who doesn't have to grab the camel book again to write a "hello world" 
routine).  I'm currently doing a lot of the work manually that I ultimately 
want to automate with the full application, but the first and most 
time-consuming chore I need the app to do for me is to parse a directory 
full of filenames, and from that, create a subdirectory hierarchy, move the 
files into their proper places within that hierarchy, and rename the files 
once they're there.

  Anyone out there able and willing to tackle a freelance job like this in 
the next week or so?  If so, my contact info is below; I'd welcome a chat 
and an estimate.  Meanwhile I'll bury my nose back in the books and hope I 
won't have to roll my own....

  Clete Baker        | cletus@bltd.com
  Studio B, Ltd.     | ph 402-455-3000
  Omaha, Nebraska    | fx 402-455-8269