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[Omaha.pm] Meetings: Sep 11, Oct 9

I updated the website:


Upcoming presentations:

Juan Vazquez
      Handle email LIKE A BOSS
      Clojure IMAP(gmail) - compojure, enlive, macro(s) for DSL, leiningen, javamail

Sam Flint
      Tk/Perl, Arduino helicopter programming

You presenting
      whatever you're excited about! :)

I also moved us back to PKI so we keep that option open.  (Let's hope my keycard still works!) 

Juan: How much time do you want Sep 11? The whole meeting? Half?

Thanks guys!


As always, patches welcome! (I added a "fork me" ribbon to the upper-right corner. If you don't have collab on that repo, or root on the odlug.org server, just ask.)