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Re: [Omaha.pm] FWD: FIXME, July 2001

On Dec 5, 2006, at 2:35 PM, Daniel Linder wrote:
No need, I did it here:
$ cat -n TestData
     1  This is a test||||This is a second test||||This
     2  is a
     3  test again||||This is the last test

$ cat -n ParseTestData.pl
     1  #!perl
     2  $/ = '||||';
     3  printf ("Got a line: %s\n",$_) while (<>) ;

$ perl ParseTestData.pl < TestData
Got a line: This is a test||||
Got a line: This is a second test||||
Got a line: This
is a
test again||||
Got a line: This is the last test

Yes sir. Nice demo!

So, it appears that the "$/" variable does keep the \n characters and
doesn't treat them as special anymore.

Well, I live in a Linux/AIX universe so for me $/ is "\n" by default. If I change it to "||||" then "\n" is not special anymore. :)

"perldoc perlvar" talks about $/ and all the other special vars at length.
