A short one-liner to keep a script from executing more than
one at a time (say a long running script kicked off from cron every minute that
runs more than a minute occasionally... my @ps = `ps -ef | grep $0 | grep -v grep`; exit if ( @ps
> 1); and a more advanced version... my @procs = grep /perl .*invan\.pl/, `ps axw`; if (@procs > 1) { unless ($ENV{USER} eq "jhannah")
{ # Hopefully that dork knows what he's doing, so let him do
whatever. die "Looks like I'm
already running. I refuse to run on top of myself.\n @procs"; } } Kenn Thompson Sr. Programmer/Analyst Omni Hotels is proud to be ranked “Highest
in Guest Satisfaction Among Upscale Hotel Chains” in the J.D.
Power and Associates 2005 North America Hotel Guest Satisfaction StudySM.
based on 37,471 responses from guests who stayed in a hotel between December
2004 and May 2005. Fourteen upscale hotel chains were ranked in the
study. www.jdpower.com) |