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Re: [Omaha.pm] :Sybase success, build errors
> I did get quite a few build errors though, and only half of
> them (or so) are listed in
> DBD-Sybase-1.06/README.freetds
> so I thought I'd post my build dialogue here. I'm ignoring
> all the errors below unless someone slaps me.
Looks like last year I threatened to attempt to patch the tests so they'd run clean under freetds. I never did it. Now, feeling shamed, I've given exec.t a shot.
On my box (
Perl : 5.008007 (i686-linux)
OS : linux (2.4.21-243-default)
DBI : 1.48
DBD::Sybase : 1.06
freetds v0.63
(./configure --prefix=/usr/local/freetds --with-tdsver=7.0)
The below modified exec.t runs like so:
$ perl exec.t
ok 1 - use DBI;
ok 2 - use DBD::Sybase;
ok 3 - Connect
ok 4 - Prepare sp_helpindex
ok 5 - exec sysusers
ok 6 - -1 (create proc)
ok 7 - prepare dbitest
ok 8 - bind_param 1
ok 9 - bind_param 2
cs_convert failed (to_numeric(3.2)) at exec.t line 63.
ok 10 - bind_param 3
ok 11 - bind_param 4
ok 12 - bind_param 5
ok 13 # skip freetds seg faults here
ok 14 # skip freetds doesn't support placeholders
ok 15 # skip freetds doesn't support placeholders
ok 16 # skip freetds doesn't support $sth->func?
ok 17 # skip freetds doesn't support $sth->func?
ok 18 # skip freetds doesn't support placeholders
ok 19 # skip freetds doesn't support placeholders
ok 20 # skip freetds doesn't support placeholders
ok 21 # skip freetds doesn't support placeholders
ok 22 # skip freetds doesn't support placeholders
ok 23 # skip freetds doesn't support placeholders
ok 24 - drop proc dbitest 1
ok 25 - drop proc dbitest 2
ok 26 - -1 (create proc)
ok 27 # skip freetds doesn't support bind_param nor placeholders
ok 28 # skip freetds doesn't support bind_param nor placeholders
ok 29 # skip freetds doesn't support bind_param nor placeholders
ok 30 # skip freetds doesn't support bind_param nor placeholders
ok 31 # skip freetds doesn't support bind_param nor placeholders
ok 32 # skip freetds doesn't support bind_param nor placeholders
ok 33 # skip freetds doesn't support bind_param nor placeholders
ok 34 # skip freetds doesn't support bind_param nor placeholders
ok 35 # skip freetds doesn't support bind_param nor placeholders
ok 36 # skip freetds doesn't support bind_param nor placeholders
ok 37 # skip freetds doesn't support bind_param nor placeholders
ok 38 # skip freetds doesn't support bind_param nor placeholders
ok 39 # skip freetds doesn't support bind_param nor placeholders
ok 40 # skip freetds doesn't support bind_param nor placeholders
ok 41 - drop proc dbitest
I hope this diff format works for you and my patch is good. That diff command came from the perl5-porters FAQ, so I hope its what you want.
I hope this helps. If it does I can take a stab at the other test files too.
diff -ruN exec.t.original exec.t
--- exec.t.original 2005-08-10 09:25:52.000000000 -0500
+++ exec.t 2005-08-10 10:09:33.000000000 -0500
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
use strict;
#use Test::More qw(no_plan);
-use Test::More tests => 22;
+use Test::More tests => 41;
BEGIN { use_ok('DBI', ':sql_types');
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
use vars qw($Pwd $Uid $Srv $Db);
+my $using_freetds = ($ENV{SYBASE} =~ /freetds/i) ? 1 : 0;
@@ -31,13 +32,11 @@
ok(defined($dbh), 'Connect');
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { print @_; };
-my $sth = $dbh->prepare("exec sp_helpindex \@objname = ?");
+my $sth = $dbh->prepare("exec sp_helpindex \@objname = 'sysusers'"); # Placeholders not supported in freetds
ok(defined($sth), 'Prepare sp_helpindex');
my $rc;
-$rc = $sth->execute("sysusers");
+$rc = $sth->execute();
ok(defined($rc), "exec sysusers");
@@ -45,38 +44,45 @@
#$dbh->do("use tempdb");
$dbh->do("set arithabort off");
$dbh->do("if object_id('dbitest') != NULL drop proc dbitest");
-$rc = $dbh->do(qq{
-create proc dbitest \@one varchar(20), \@two int, \@three numeric(5,2), \@four smalldatetime, \@five float output
+$rc = $dbh->do(q{
+create proc dbitest @one varchar(20), @two int, @three numeric(5,2), @four smalldatetime, @five float output
- select \@one, \@two, \@three, \@four
+ select @one, @two, @three, @four
select * from master..sysprocesses
- return \@two
+ return @two
-ok(defined($rc), "$rc (create proc)\n");
+ok(defined($rc), "$rc (create proc)");
$sth = $dbh->prepare("exec dbitest \@one = ?, \@two = ?, \@three = ?, \@four = ?, \@five = ? output");
#$rc = $sth->execute("one", 2, 3.2, "jan 1 2001", 5.4);
ok(defined($sth), "prepare dbitest");
-$sth->bind_param(1, "one");
-$sth->bind_param(2, 2, SQL_INTEGER);
-$sth->bind_param(3, 3.2, SQL_DECIMAL);
-$sth->bind_param(4, "jan 1 2001");
-$sth->bind_param(5, 5.4, SQL_FLOAT);
-$rc = $sth->execute();
-ok(defined($rc), "execute dbitest 1");
+ok($sth->bind_param(1, "one"), "bind_param 1");
+ok($sth->bind_param(2, 2, SQL_INTEGER), "bind_param 2");
+ok($sth->bind_param(3, 3.2, SQL_DECIMAL), "bind_param 3");
+ok($sth->bind_param(4, "jan 1 2001"), "bind_param 4");
+ok($sth->bind_param(5, 5.4, SQL_FLOAT), "bind_param 5");
+SKIP: {
+ skip "freetds seg faults here", 1 if $using_freetds;
+ ok($rc = $sth->execute(), "execute dbitest 1");
-$rc = $sth->execute("one", 25, 333.2, "jan 1 2001", 5.4);
-ok(defined($rc), "exec dbitest 2");
+SKIP: {
+ skip "freetds doesn't support placeholders", 2 if $using_freetds;
+ #DBI->trace(4);
+ get_all_results($sth);
+ ok($rc = $sth->execute("one", 25, 333.2, "jan 1 2001", 5.4), "exec dbitest 2");
+ get_all_results($sth);
+ ok($rc = $sth->execute(undef, 25, 3.2234, "jan 3 2001", 5.4), "exec dbitest 3");
+SKIP: {
+ skip "freetds doesn't support \$sth->func?", 2 if $using_freetds;
+ ok(my @out = $sth->func('syb_output_params'), '$sth->func');
+ is($out[0], 5.4, "out param 1");
-$rc = $sth->execute(undef, 25, 3.2234, "jan 3 2001", 5.4);
-ok(defined($rc), "exec dbitest 3");
-my @out = $sth->func('syb_output_params');
-ok($out[0] == 5.4, "out param 1");
#print "@out\n";
#do {
@@ -91,72 +97,74 @@
$sth->{syb_do_proc_status} = 1;
$dbh->{syb_flush_finish} = 0;
-$rc = $sth->execute(undef, 0, 3.2234, "jan 3 2001", 5.4);
-ok(defined($rc), "execute fail mode 1");
-$rc = $sth->execute("raise", 1, 3.2234, "jan 3 2001", 5.4);
-ok(defined($rc), "execute fail mode 2");
-$rc = $sth->execute(undef, 0, 3.2234, "jan 3 2001", 5.4);
-ok(defined($rc), "execute fail mode 3");
-$dbh->{syb_flush_finish} = 1;
-$rc = $sth->execute(undef, 0, 3.2234, "jan 3 2001", 5.4);
-ok(defined($rc), "execute fail mode 4");
-$rc = $sth->execute(undef, 1, 3.2234, "jan 3 2001", 5.4);
-ok(defined($rc), "execute fail mode 5");
-$rc = $sth->execute(undef, 0, 3.2234, "jan 3 2001", 5.4);
-ok(defined($rc), "execute fail mode 6");
+SKIP: {
+ skip "freetds doesn't support placeholders", 6 if $using_freetds;
+ ok($rc = $sth->execute(undef, 0, 3.2234, "jan 3 2001", 5.4), "execute fail mode 1");
+ get_all_results($sth);
+ #DBI->trace(3);
+ ok($rc = $sth->execute("raise", 1, 3.2234, "jan 3 2001", 5.4), "execute fail mode 2");
+ get_all_results($sth);
+ ok($rc = $sth->execute(undef, 0, 3.2234, "jan 3 2001", 5.4), "execute fail mode 3");
+ #DBI->trace(0);
+ get_all_results($sth);
+ $dbh->{syb_flush_finish} = 1;
+ ok($rc = $sth->execute(undef, 0, 3.2234, "jan 3 2001", 5.4), "execute fail mode 4");
+ get_all_results($sth);
+ #DBI->trace(3);
+ ok($rc = $sth->execute(undef, 1, 3.2234, "jan 3 2001", 5.4), "execute fail mode 5");
+ get_all_results($sth);
+ #DBI->trace(0);
+ ok($rc = $sth->execute(undef, 0, 3.2234, "jan 3 2001", 5.4), "execute fail mode 6");
+ get_all_results($sth);
-$dbh->do("drop proc dbitest");
-$dbh->do("if object_id('dbitest') != NULL drop proc dbitest");
-$rc = $dbh->do(qq{
-create proc dbitest \@one varchar(20), \@two int, \@three numeric(5,2), \@four smalldatetime --, \@five float = null output
+ok($dbh->do("drop proc dbitest"), "drop proc dbitest 1");
+ok($dbh->do("if object_id('dbitest') != NULL drop proc dbitest"), "drop proc dbitest 2");
+$rc = $dbh->do(q{
+create proc dbitest @one varchar(20), @two int, @three numeric(5,2), @four smalldatetime --, @five float = null output
- select \@one, \@two, \@three, \@four
+ select @one, @two, @three, @four
-ok(defined($rc), "$rc (create proc)\n");
+ok(defined($rc), "$rc (create proc)");
-$sth = $dbh->prepare("exec dbitest ?, ?, ?, ?");
-$sth->bind_param(1, 'String 1', SQL_VARCHAR);
-$sth->bind_param(2, 1, SQL_INTEGER);
-$sth->bind_param(3, 3.25, SQL_DECIMAL);
-$sth->bind_param(4, '2005-06-27', SQL_DATETIME);
+SKIP: {
+ skip "freetds doesn't support bind_param nor placeholders", 7 if $using_freetds;
+ ok($sth = $dbh->prepare("exec dbitest ?, ?, ?, ?"), "prepare");
+ ok($sth->bind_param(1, 'String 1', SQL_VARCHAR), "bind_param 1");
+ ok($sth->bind_param(2, 1, SQL_INTEGER), "bind_param 2");
+ ok($sth->bind_param(3, 3.25, SQL_DECIMAL), "bind_param 3");
+ ok($sth->bind_param(4, '2005-06-27', SQL_DATETIME), "bind param 4");
-for (0 .. 1) {
+ for (0 .. 1) {
$sth->execute('String 1', 1, 3.25, '2005-06-27');
while(my $row = $sth->fetch) {
- ok($row->[2] == 3.25, "Implicit finish handling");
+ ok($row->[2] == 3.25, "Implicit finish handling");
+ }
-$dbh->{syb_do_proc_status} = 1;
-$sth = $dbh->prepare("exec dbitest ?, ?, ?, ?");
-$sth->bind_param(1, 'String 1', SQL_VARCHAR);
-$sth->bind_param(2, 1, SQL_INTEGER);
-$sth->bind_param(3, 3.25, SQL_DECIMAL);
-$sth->bind_param(4, '2005-06-27', SQL_DATETIME);
+SKIP: {
+ skip "freetds doesn't support bind_param nor placeholders", 7 if $using_freetds;
+ $dbh->{syb_do_proc_status} = 1;
+ ok($sth = $dbh->prepare("exec dbitest ?, ?, ?, ?"), "prepare");
+ ok($sth->bind_param(1, 'String 1', SQL_VARCHAR), "bind_param 1");
+ ok($sth->bind_param(2, 1, SQL_INTEGER), "bind_param 2");
+ ok($sth->bind_param(3, 3.25, SQL_DECIMAL), "bind_param 3");
+ ok($sth->bind_param(4, '2005-06-27', SQL_DATETIME), "bind_param 4");
-for (0 .. 1) {
+ for (0 .. 1) {
$sth->execute('String 1', 1, 3.25, '2005-06-27');
while(my $row = $sth->fetch) {
- ok($row->[2] == 3.25, "Implicit finish handling");
+ ok($row->[2] == 3.25, "Implicit finish handling");
+ }
-$dbh->do("drop proc dbitest");
+ok($dbh->do("drop proc dbitest"), "drop proc dbitest");
sub get_all_results {
my $sth = shift;