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Re: [Omaha.pm] Meeting tonight 7pm!

On May 14, 2013, at 3:59 PM, Rob Townley <rob.townley@gmail.com> wrote:
> What is the topic tonight?

Our upcoming talks:

   Scott McGrath
      BioPerl - CSCI Graduate Fair

   Jay Hannah:
      I've been playing with Scala!

   Nick Nisi
      git Workshop, re-deux!

   Nick Wertzburger
      three.js, a 3D Javascript engine!

   You presenting
      whatever you're excited about! :) 

Scott's first, he said his presentation runs ~20 minutes. The Nicks didn't respond, so after Scott's done I'll show off various bits and pieces of Scala / Scalatra that I've been working on lately. This is the first time ever Eclipse has mostly-worked for me, so people might be impressed by Scala Worksheets and such. And/or might find the Coursera class I'm taking interesting. (And/or PostgreSQL versioning stuff I've been working on this week if anyone's interested in pg/DB versioning... And/or git cherry-pick of *partial* commits, a trick I just learned today... And/or I have a cool iTerm2 trick I learned last week... And/or "let's host a nopaste server!"... whatever :)

And/or let's talk about what people want to present at HOW Conf: https://github.com/mattdsteele/unconf
