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Re: [Omaha.pm] Learning perl - working with LDAP

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 10:36 AM, Bill Brush <bbrush@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm working on my first script (program? which is the correct term for Perl?)

I say "script" for tiny things and "program" for more serious things. Some people spend lots of energy arguing this topic. I don't recommend you spend any energy caring about it.  :)

On Feb 24, 2012, at 11:19 AM, Theodore Katseres wrote:
> use Modern::Perl;

Theodore++    I'm still doing what that does manually. I have no good reason to do so.  :)

> for my $letter ( a .. z ) {
>     # Filter on the staff membership and
>     # first letter of samaccountname attribute
>     my $filter = "(&(memberof=CN=staff,OU=groups,DC=ad,DC=wjgilmore,DC=com)(samaccountname=$letter*))";

Code looks good to me if you want to make 26 LDAP queries. If 1 LDAP query would be better for some reason you could pull everything into memory and write each letter to disk later.

Note a..z isn't gonna work worth a damn if you have any Japanese employees. My good friend 愛子 will feel very left out of your directory.    :)

>     open( FILE, '>', "/www/wjgilmore/directory/$letter.html" );
>     say FILE $toc, $directory;
>     close FILE;

I believe the preferred modern form of this is:

   my $filename = "/www/wjgilmore/directory/$letter.html";
   open my $fh, '>', $filename or die "Can't write to '$filename'";
   say $fh $toc, $directory;
   close $fh;



Hope that helps,
