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[Omaha.pm] My first script
Well it's essentially finished, so I thought I'd share. I'm sure it
could be improved, but honestly I'm just impressed I got it to work.
Now I just need to tweak it to work in unattended cron mode.
I sanitized the code so none of my particulars are there, for obvious
reasons. Big thanks to Jay for pointing me towards the Email::Stuff
use strict;
use Net::LDAP;
use IO::File;
use Email::Stuff;
#Creates connection to netusrA on the LDAP port, using the ldap_binder account
my $netad = Net::LDAP->new("myhost.mydomain") or die "Could not connect! $!";
$netad->bind("bind account here", password=>"bind account password here");
#Defines the LDAP search to start at the root of the directory tree
my $base = 'root of my LDAP directory tree';
#The filter is in LDAP format
#The filter specifies users that have an SN (last name) that exists,
but is not equal to System nor starts with Sharepoint
#AND that have an email address
#AND that have a givenname (first name) that is not equal to NET
my $filter = "(&(&(!(sn=System))(!(sn=Sharepoint*))(sn=*))(mail=*)(&(!(givenname=NET))(givenname=*)))";
# $attrs specifies which attributes to be retrieved
my $attrs = ["givenname","sn","mail"];
# This creates a search result object ($results) from the netad search method
my $results = $netad->search(base=>$base,filter=>$filter,attrs=>$attrs);
# This uses the count method of $results to return the number of
records matching the filter
my $count = $results->count;
#message ("Records returned $count");
#Creates an output file named emailList.csv or returns error.
my $outputfile = IO::File->new("emailList.csv","w") or die "Could not
open output file $!";
#Loop to write each result line to the output file
for (my $i=0;$i<$count;$i++){
#Assigns the result at $i to the variable $foo
my $foo = $results->entry($i);
#Assigns the attribute names to variables
my $sn="sn";
my $gn="givenName";
my $mail="mail";
#Assigns the value from $foo to a specific variable
my $lastname = $foo->get_value($sn);
my $firsttname = $foo->get_value($gn);
my $email = $foo->get_value($mail);
#Concatenates the variables to a csv output line. The \n is the new
line operator
my $line = "$firsttname,$lastname,$email\n";
# Writes the same output to the screen
# message ("$line");
#Writes the data line to the output file
#Closes the output file
undef $outputfile;
#Closes the LDAP connection
#Email the output file to the SharePoint doc library using the SMTP server
Email::Stuff->To('destination e-mail')
->from('source e-mail')
->Subject("Automatically generated e-mail list")
->text_body("E-mail list for Communications department. Used for
Constant Contact service.")
->using('SMTP',Host => 'my mail server')
sub message
my $m = shift or return;