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[Omaha.pm] Preparation for use of GD::Graph & Perl on Mac G5
Given the following situation, how best to procede?
1. I previously installed:
from source from downloads from their particular web sites.
I failed to get:
libgd (boutell)
downloaded from its particular web site to successfully install. gdft.c failed to complie during "make" step, rather producing many syntax errors to the screen output.
2. Subsequent to this, I installed DarwinPorts and found the following s/w available for installation (see right column below), apparently from source, through DarwinPorts.
i. FreeType-2.1.10 (www.freetype.org) darw 2.1.9
ii. JPEG (jpegsrc.vb6) (www.ijg.org/) darw v6b
iii. zlib (www.gzip.org/zlib/) (zlib-1.2.3) darw 1.2.3
iv. libpng (www.3-t.com/pub/png/libpng.html) (libpng-1.2.8-config) darw 1.2.8
v. gd-2.0.33 (libgd) (www.boutell.com/gd/) darw gd2 2.0.33??
vi. GD-2.30 Perl module (CPAN) darw p5-gd 2.28
vii. GD::Graph (CPAN, v. 1.43) darw p5-gdgraph 1.43
3. So since all the source packages available from DarwinPorts, my question, how best to proceed?
a. perhaps use the previously installed zlib & libpng (note: libpng documentation indicated zlib must be installed before libpng). Then use DarwinPorts to install:
gd2 ver 2.0.33
(there is a gd, ver 1.8.4, but since 2.0.33 matches version number from www.boutell.com/gd/ site, assume gd2 appropriate selection??)
Then perhaps have option to install:
GD Perl module
GD graph Perl module
from either CPAN or DarwinPorts?
Question: any way to decide best choice?
b. Perhaps re-install zlib & libpng from DarwinPorts between JPEG & libgd in the order above? If choose this, do I have to uninstall zlib & libpng first? If so, How to do?
Thanks for comments,
Mike Terry