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[Omaha.pm] find_or_create() your own test data

:)  This is pretty cute, and I haven't done it in a while.


I need to run a bunch of tests against a fake hotel we have called 'SEED'. But that row was missing from one of our cross-reference tables (XfHotelcode). So I wrote a 00_SEED_setup.t, which runs before any of the real tests, which uses DBIx::Class to find or create the row in the database table that I need.


Omni2::Model::DB2 is our own wrapper than just returns a properly-connected DBIx::Class::Schema object.


Pretty slick.








$ perl 00_SEED_setup.t


ok 1 - OM SEED is in xf_hotelCode




$ cat 00_SEED_setup.t

use Test::More tests => 1;


use strict;

use Omni2::Model::DB2;


my $schema = Omni2::Model::DB2::connect( system => 'dal_repl', method => 'DBIC' );

my $row = $schema->resultset('XfHotelcode')->find_or_create(

   chaincode  => 'OM',

   hotelcode  => 'SEED',

   status     => 'A',

   long_descr => 'Test Hotel',


is_deeply([ $row->id ], [ 'OM', 'SEED' ],     "OM SEED is in xf_hotelCode");