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[Omaha.pm] Lightning Talks, mostly Perl-related: Tuesday, April 24th

Hello all,

     It's time to invite everyone to the UNO CSCI 2850 (Perl) class's semester-ending lightning talks.

     The talks this semester will be on Tuesday, April 24th, 2007, starting at 5:45 PM and lasting most likely until around 8:00 PM.  There weren't enough talks to split them into two meaningful evenings, so we're going to have a super-long night of talks.

     If all goes well, there will be pizza available on a first-come, first-served basis.  I'm not sure how much pizza we can get, so maybe it'll just be enough for three or four people.  :)

     I've attached the flier for this semester's talk topics.  I've only received brief overviews of most of the topics, so I can't give you much insight into what a topic like "web scraping tools" will cover.  You'll just have to come and find out, I guess.  :)

     This semester's talks are in room 359 at the Peter Kiewit Institute at 67th & Pacific.  Here's a link to Google Maps for the Peter Kiewit Institute:  http://tinyurl.com/v5f9s


     On an unrelated note, awhile back I mentioned to the list that UNO was in the process of standardizing on one language for a sequence of internet-related programming courses.  The final verdict is in and starting in the fall, there will be a one-two punch of Perl courses, CIST 1300 (intro) and CSCI 2850 (not intro).  Additionally, a bioinformatics programming course that has yet to be developed will build off of the Perl programming foundation found in 1300/2850.  Thanks to everyone who provided input when I queried the list a few months ago.

     -- raf

    For those who don't like to look at PDF files, here's a copy-and-pasted list of topics:


BigRedKeno.com scraper and analyzer

Password cracking with Perl

Cool Firefox Extensions

Web scraping tools

Regex Coach


Authenticating Local Machine Users from the Web / UNIX passwd w/PHP and Perl

POE Module / Framework (Acme::POE::Knee)

Encryption algorithms in Perl

Perl Golf

SVG Perl

MP3::Tag / Scraping for Lyrics


Perl Roleplaying Dice Thingy

GMapper (GPS Coordinates for Photography)

e-bruno registration with Perl

Server-side vs. Client-side Scripting


Web Browser Comparison

Python vs. Perl

Perl at the UNO Gateway

Perl and Bluetooth

Perl and Facebook

Perl/Tk Restaurant Reservation System (10 minute dual talk)

Attachment: 2850 - Talks - 07 - Sp - Lightning Talks Flier.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document