scraper and analyzer |
Password cracking with Perl |
Cool Firefox Extensions |
Web scraping tools |
Regex Coach |
DotNetNuke |
Authenticating Local Machine Users from the Web / UNIX passwd w/PHP and Perl |
POE Module / Framework (Acme::POE::Knee) |
Encryption algorithms in Perl |
Perl Golf |
SVG Perl |
MP3::Tag / Scraping for Lyrics |
Net::OSCAR |
Perl Roleplaying Dice Thingy |
GMapper (GPS Coordinates for Photography) |
e-bruno registration with Perl |
Server-side vs. Client-side Scripting |
Apache2::ExplorerDestroyer |
Web Browser Comparison |
Python vs. Perl |
Perl at the UNO Gateway |
Perl and Bluetooth |
Perl and Facebook |
Perl/Tk Restaurant Reservation System (10 minute dual talk) |
2850 - Talks - 07 - Sp - Lightning Talks Flier.pdf
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