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[Omaha.pm] from homebrew objects to Moose

Tonight I'm moving a bunch of classes from our homebrew object system to use Moose instead. Below is a sample svn diff.

Moose:  http://search.cpan.org/~stevan/Moose/lib/Moose.pm

party king!  :)

 use strict;
-use Base;
-use vars qw(@ISA @ATT);
-@ISA = qw( Base );
-@ATT = qw( );
+use Moose;
+extends 'Omni2::Base';
+                                 # My current buffer. Is left blank for TCP* buffers.
+has buffer => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str'        );
+has c_mux  => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef'    ); # Omni2::Control::Multiplex object
+has label  => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str'        ); # What people call me
+has mode   => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str'        ); # read? write? (both?)
+has fh     => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'FileHandle' ); # My read/write filehandle
+no Moose;

-  my %_attr_data = (
-    # My current buffer. Is left blank for TCP* buffers.
-    buffer       => ['1',  'RW', 'attr', 'O','is_string',  ''],
-    c_mux        => ['2',  'RW', 'attr', 'R','is_hash',    ''], # Omni2::Control::Multiplex object
-    label        => ['3',  'RW', 'attr', 'R','is_string',  ''], # What people call me
-    mode         => ['4',  'RW', 'attr', 'R','is_string',  ''], # read? write? (both?)
-    fh           => ['5',  'RW', 'attr', 'R','is_glob',    ''], # My read/write filehandle
-  );
-  sub get_attr_data_ref { return \%_attr_data; }
-  sub get_ATT { return @ATT; }