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[Omaha.pm] Re: [olug] Report Generator

On May 28, 2004, at 7:02 PM, Eric Penne wrote:
The plot generated by the scanning software are in PDF. The individual test values measured are also included in that plot. I need to extract that data from the PDF.

There's one billion + 1 PDF read/write packages for Perl:


The final customer report is done in MSWord and saved. Then it is printed to PDF with Acrobat4. With Acrobat4 we sign it and send it.

I need to get everything to MSWord first so that it can be put together for final output in PDF.

Sorry I'm so slow -- I still don't see the point in the MSWord step. You can string anything you want straight from whatever format into .pdf...

Missing something as usual,  -grin-
