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RE: [Omaha.pm] bad perl - need help - dispatch table
As Mike & Jay said in their posts, the get options packages
are great. Although this is a bit beyond what you're asking for,
I have a standard routine to allow the short options (single
character options) and object files to be intermingled:
#allow options to be intermixed with filenames
while(@ARGV) {
#if it doesn't start with a '-', assume it's not an cmd line option
while($ARGV[0] =~ /^[^\-]/) {
push @hold, shift @ARGV;
And I've got a largish program that calls a routine whose name
we have in a variable, I have this little routine to help do some
error checking:
# Call the appropriate handling routine base on the box type given.
# Ok, I was (and still am) lazy and used dashes in "box-type" strings,
# which are (or should be) specified within the ip-2-name.tbl file.
# These files were all setup before I thought "Why don't I just name
# the subroutines the same thing, and call those routines indirectly?"
# Dashes are not legal characters for any variable/subroutine name
# because the parser would get confused because it thinks dashes are
# instructions to subtract.
# I also need to check for the case where we don't know what kind
# of box a particular message is from. And the case where the routine
# isn't defined. In these cases we call a default routine.
sub call_sub {
my $sub = @_[0];
# translate upper case to lower, and more importantly, dashes to
# underscores
$sub =~ tr/A-Z\-/a-z_/;
if ($sub eq "") {
} else {
if( defined &$sub ) {
} else {
print "no <$sub> subroutine defined - using unknown_box routine\n";
#greatly simplified program starts here
while(<>) {
$type = &get_box_type($_);
&call_sub( $type ); #call the appropriate box-type handling subroutine