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Re: [Omaha.pm] Sectioning up the Omaha City Council Journal.. - Google Groups
Hi Jack,
Great! Thanks for sending the github link. I'll poke around tonight at our OMG!Code meeting and see if people can help. :)
> On Jun 16, 2015, at 2:32 PM, Jack Dunn <office@prineb.org> wrote:
> Jay,
> Here's the Github reference:
> https://github.com/modi1231/ParseCityCouncilToDB
> I also found this on Google Groups:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/opennebraska/uIa2amlnpks
> --
> Jack Dunn
> From: Jack Dunn <office@prineb.org>
> Subject: Tax Increment Finance report update
> Date: June 12, 2015 at 12:07:33 PM CDT
> To: jhannah@mutationgrid.com, Sandi Barr <sandi.k.barr@gmail.com>, Naomi See <naom.see@seenaomi.net>
> Jay, Sandi and Naomi,
> You indicated you might want to help update the two TIF (Tax Increment Financing) reports done by PRI (2008 - 20011). If you are still interested, I will send out a Doodle poll to find out when we can all meet. Let me know if there are periods (days/weeks) that are not good by replying to this email.
> And you may know that one of the Omaha Hackathons produced code for creating a database from the Omaha City Journals (meeting minutes).
> In addition to updating the TIF reports, I would like to consider tracking the connections of City Council and Planning Board members to real estate and construction firms.
> Recent legislation allows the State Auditor to review TIF proposals, although it does not mandate such. Public support for an audit might tip the balance.
> I'm guessing we will need a couple of meetings to plan the project.
> Let me know your availability and your thoughts.
> Thanks.
> --
> Jack Dunn
> Co-Executive Director
> Policy Research & Innovation
> 402 599-0868
> 4200 N 30th St, Ste 203
> Omaha, NE 68111
> www.prineb.org