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[Omaha.pm] Text::FixedWidth

Sweet, I'm a CPAN author now:

http://search.cpan.org/~jhannah/Text-FixedWidth-0.01/lib/Text/ FixedWidth.pm

Planned for version 0.02:
- A META.yml file to enforce dependencies on Carp, Test::More, Test::Warn - POD changes to search.cpan.org hot-links to other modules in ALTERNATIVES
- whatever the smokers report.  :)

Photo should show up on search.cpan.org tomorrow, just for fun.

Source is in SVN:
$ svn co https://clabsvn.ist.unomaha.edu/anonsvn/user/jhannah/Text- FixedWidth

I've a few credits in CPAN, but this is my first module owned by me. Module::Starter is cool.

