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[Omaha.pm] Pet Paradise: Ruby > Perl > Erlang!

Remember the pet_paradise challenge?


Juan wrote a Ruby version and took over the leader board!  :)

jhannah@minijaysnet~/src/odynug/pet_paradise/ruby_1$ ruby runHotel.rb
30 reservations made, with a Grand Total of $3014.68

I cannot let that stand. I will be beefing up perl_1 to take back the crown for the glory of Perl!! :)

Juan: So those numbers are the reservation IDs you fit into the hotel to maximize revenue, right? Excellent...

If I didn't have to leave the house in 10 minutes I would seek my revenge this morning... Soon. Very soon.

erlang_1 is in 3rd place right now, I believe... Fight back stesla!

