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[Omaha.pm] rename, link
Huh. "perldoc perlfunc":
Changes the name of a file; an existing file NEW-
NAME will be clobbered. Returns true for success,
false otherwise.
Behavior of this function varies wildly depending
on your system implementation. For example, it
will usually not work across file system bound-
aries, even though the system mv command sometimes
compensates for this. Other restrictions include
whether it works on directories, open files, or
pre-existing files. Check perlport and either the
rename(2) manpage or equivalent system documenta-
tion for details.
So I wonder if its better to just system() out to "mv" on Linux if I
don't care about portability?
@sysargs = ('mv', "$outbound/$file",
system (@sysargs);
rename("$outbound/$file", "/datamining/intrasight/CRS/archive/$file");
And then
Creates a new filename linked to the old filename.
Returns true for success, false otherwise.
Is that the same thing as making a system() call to "cp" on Linux?
symlink() is for symbolic links, link() is the same thing as "cp"?
Or would I be cooler if I just used some File::* class off CPAN
nowadays? -grin-