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[Omaha.pm] RE: event_notify.pl is done.
-laugh- Ya. I think I'm going to delegate out the methods for my "Core" class this week... I've already designed the interface.
use Core;
my $c = Core->new();
$c->be(what => 'all things',
to => 'all people');
$c->dominate(globe => 'earth');
$c->set_hunger(scope => 'global', value => 0);
$c->set_peace(scope => 'global', value => 1);
$c->cure(ailment => 'cancer');
> -----Original Message-----
> The event_notify.pl is done. Here it is:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use Control::Globals;
> use Control::Hotels;
> use Model::omares::crs::L_EventNotify;
> use Omni::DB;
> my $dbh = Omni::DB::connect_test_with_pw;
> my $Globals = new Control::Globals;
> $Globals->add('dbh',$dbh);
> $Globals->add('defaults',1);
> my $h = new Control::Hotels(Globals=>$Globals);
> $Globals->add('Hotels',$h);
> while (1) {
> my $L_EN = new Model::omares::crs::L_EventNotify(Globals=>$Globals);
> $L_EN->load(source=>"event_notify");
> $L_EN->process;
> sleep 30;
> }
> $dbh->disconnect;
> exit;
> Now I just have to finish the process() method.
> Sean Baker