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[Omaha.pm] Test::More skip_all

skip_all is pretty handy. One of our vendors is transitioning from one
file format to another, so our automated tests are broken for now. I
want to rework all the tests once I get their new spec, though, so I
don't want to just nuke the test script altogether. I just want to skip
all the tests in Inbound.t for now... That's what skip_all does in the
top of your .t file:

$ head -1 Inbound.t
use Test::More ( skip_all => 'AA is in transition to new format' );
$ perl Inbound.t
1..0 # Skip AA is in transition to new format
$ prove Inbound.t
        all skipped: AA is in transition to new format
All tests successful, 1 test skipped.
Files=1, Tests=0,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.03 cusr +  0.01 csys =  0.04

Handy, huh?
