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[Omaha.pm] FW: DBD::Informix & $SIG{ALRM} & /etc/services

Oops! Mildly embarassing, below.  I guess I'm glad upgrading didn't fix
it -- I would have felt pretty silly. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Hannah 
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 2:52 PM
To: dbi-users@perl.org
Cc: jonathan.leffler@gmail.com
Subject: RE: DBD::Informix & $SIG{ALRM} & /etc/services

Oops. I noticed my versions were behind. I upgraded DBI and

I'm still getting the same behavior (14.3 seconds to time out), so I'm
still curious about what might be going on. 



$ perl -MDBI -e'DBI->installed_versions'
  Perl            : 5.008004    (i686-linux)
  OS              : linux       (2.6.4-52-smp)
  DBI             : 1.53
  DBD::Sybase     : 1.04
  DBD::Sponge     : 11.10
  DBD::Proxy      : install_driver(Proxy) failed: Can't locate
RPC/PlClient.pm in @INC
  DBD::Informix   : 2005.02
  DBD::File       : 0.35
  DBD::ExampleP   : 11.12
  DBD::DBM        : 0.03